25 अप्रैल, 2013

April 25th

April 25th
The date of 25 (7) ruled by Neptune shows high degree of 6th sense along with a highly creative and imaginative mind. They are highly perceptive of emotions of people around or undercurrents of things happening. They can easily guess thoughts of other people. This is a good quality but also a curse (sort of) as they can get highly disturbed/perturbed by these unspoken messages or readings received by their heightened 6th sense. Neptune water runs deep & shows emotional depth unlike 2 born folks where emotions are more overt and obvious. Neptune mind is highly sensitive but in a detached and non-personal ways unlike 2 born folks (2, 11, 20, 29). Aries Sun shows love for hard-work like an ant, continuously working on something and creating stuff. There is an ability to create great momentum to achieve something. The side effect of aggression, impulsive nature, and anxiety of Aries Sun is reduced a bit by Neptune. However, Neptune adds some anxiety related to 6th sense/perception. Combination of Mars ruled Aries Sun & Neptune ruled date indicates good luck in sports related activities: actual sports or sports journalism or any activity related to sports. Neptune shows love for speed (of thought) and Mars also shows the same love which is more physical. There is some spiritual side to their personality and a calming or soothing effect on others when Aries Sun takes a back-seat!

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