24 अप्रैल, 2013


'Religion' is all about your assembly to God.

This connection you precise in your thoughts, words and deeds.

Go within, and meditate on the fact that the sovereignty of God is in your heart.

Mainstream 'religions' are mostly businesses.

The Kingdom of God is within you, and the Spirit is even right now waiting for you to open your mind to its inspiration.

"What you speak; that you create,
Change your words; change your fate"

Look for a teacher that can guide you into Meta-Physical thinking and you will understand every 'religion' in the world, and not be a slave of any.
If you want religion and ritual, then pick from the thousands of religions around. But if you want peace, purpose, a clean conscience and overall life with a sense of wholeness, then only Truth can give that.

I personally have peace. Not natural peace that comes and goes but a deep sense of being worry free. You cannot have faith and worry at the same time.

I have a clean conscience. This means I do not have to carry a heavy load of awareness of my sins on my head. I know I am totally forgiven and I actually experience that forgiveness.

I have purpose. Not only is my life today good but my future looks even better!

I have a sense of wholeness like nothing is missing. I feel complete and am not searching for more.

This is the real result of having Truth. Truth is like a seed, when planted it produces a certain type of fruit. If you are depressed, hopeless, confused and loaded with a sense of guilt and awareness of your sinfulness then what do you have? Truth or just ritualistic religion?

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