25 अप्रैल, 2013

Professionalism At Work

Professionalism At Work

Basic Rules of Professionalism!!

It seems that today the rule is to break all the rules! Unfortunately, when it
comes to how we treat one another, some people don't even know the rules. This
can lead to challenges, disappointments, miscommunication & finally disturbs
interpersonal relationships.

Let us understand the basic rules of professionalism
The first Basic Rule: - Respect
We all want respect, no matter what age we are or for what we can contribute.
The more mature worker may feel that the years they have put in have earned
them respect, while the younger worker feels their skills & newly acquired
education earn them respect. Both are right. The challenge is not to think which
one is better than the other & who deserves more respect. The key is to know
that each person deserves respect.
Respect Improvements Tips: -
Call people by their first name when meeting them for the first time otherwise
address everyone formally until they ask you to use their first name. Do this with
everyone you meet. It's a sign of respect & it's ageless.
You must make people feel valued. The best way to do this is to give credit to
people whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Be the first to extend your hand for a handshake & look into the person eyes. A
firm handshake conveys the message, "Welcome! I'm open to engage in
conversation with you!" If you have a weak handshake, immediately improve it.
Say "Please" and "Thank you"! This little courtesy is vital to show respect & make
people understand you are aware of what they can & have done. When a person
forgets as simple as a "please" or "thank you"; it shows lack of concern for others
which is disrespectful & humiliating. A boss always gets / losses respect with the
way & tone he / she convey these 2 words.

April 25th

April 25th
The date of 25 (7) ruled by Neptune shows high degree of 6th sense along with a highly creative and imaginative mind. They are highly perceptive of emotions of people around or undercurrents of things happening. They can easily guess thoughts of other people. This is a good quality but also a curse (sort of) as they can get highly disturbed/perturbed by these unspoken messages or readings received by their heightened 6th sense. Neptune water runs deep & shows emotional depth unlike 2 born folks where emotions are more overt and obvious. Neptune mind is highly sensitive but in a detached and non-personal ways unlike 2 born folks (2, 11, 20, 29). Aries Sun shows love for hard-work like an ant, continuously working on something and creating stuff. There is an ability to create great momentum to achieve something. The side effect of aggression, impulsive nature, and anxiety of Aries Sun is reduced a bit by Neptune. However, Neptune adds some anxiety related to 6th sense/perception. Combination of Mars ruled Aries Sun & Neptune ruled date indicates good luck in sports related activities: actual sports or sports journalism or any activity related to sports. Neptune shows love for speed (of thought) and Mars also shows the same love which is more physical. There is some spiritual side to their personality and a calming or soothing effect on others when Aries Sun takes a back-seat!

24 अप्रैल, 2013


'Religion' is all about your assembly to God.

This connection you precise in your thoughts, words and deeds.

Go within, and meditate on the fact that the sovereignty of God is in your heart.

Mainstream 'religions' are mostly businesses.

The Kingdom of God is within you, and the Spirit is even right now waiting for you to open your mind to its inspiration.

"What you speak; that you create,
Change your words; change your fate"

Look for a teacher that can guide you into Meta-Physical thinking and you will understand every 'religion' in the world, and not be a slave of any.
If you want religion and ritual, then pick from the thousands of religions around. But if you want peace, purpose, a clean conscience and overall life with a sense of wholeness, then only Truth can give that.

I personally have peace. Not natural peace that comes and goes but a deep sense of being worry free. You cannot have faith and worry at the same time.

I have a clean conscience. This means I do not have to carry a heavy load of awareness of my sins on my head. I know I am totally forgiven and I actually experience that forgiveness.

I have purpose. Not only is my life today good but my future looks even better!

I have a sense of wholeness like nothing is missing. I feel complete and am not searching for more.

This is the real result of having Truth. Truth is like a seed, when planted it produces a certain type of fruit. If you are depressed, hopeless, confused and loaded with a sense of guilt and awareness of your sinfulness then what do you have? Truth or just ritualistic religion?

Natural Happiness

23 अप्रैल, 2013

भारत की संस्कृति

भारत की संस्कृति को पहचाने ---

दो पक्ष - कृष्ण पक्ष एवं शुक्ल पक्ष !

तीन ऋण - देव ऋण, पित्र ऋण एवं ऋषि त्रण !

चार युग - सतयुग , त्रेता युग , द्वापरयुग एवं कलयुग !

चार धाम - द्वारिका , बद्रीनाथ, जगन्नाथ पूरी एवं रामेश्वरम धाम !

चारपीठ - शारदा पीठ ( द्वारिका ), ज्योतिष पीठ ( जोशीमठ बद्रिधाम), गोवर्धन पीठ ( जगन्नाथपुरी ) एवं श्रन्गेरिपीठ !

चर वेद- ऋग्वेद , अथर्वेद, यजुर्वेद एवं सामवेद !

चार आश्रम - ब्रह्मचर्य , गृहस्थ , बानप्रस्थ एवं संन्यास !

चार अंतःकरण - मन , बुद्धि , चित्त , एवं अहंकार !

पञ्च गव्य - गाय का घी , दूध , दही , गोमूत्र एवं गोबर , !

पञ्च देव - गणेश , विष्णु , शिव , देवी और सूर्य !

पंच तत्त्व - प्रथ्वी , जल , अग्नि , वायु एवं आकाश !

छह दर्शन - वैशेषिक , न्याय , सांख्य, योग , पूर्व मिसांसा एवं दक्षिण मिसांसा !

सप्त ऋषि - विश्वामित्र , जमदाग्नि , भरद्वाज , गौतम , अत्री , वशिष्ठ और कश्यप !

सप्त पूरी - अयोध्या पूरी , मथुरा पूरी , माया पूरी ( हरिद्वार ) , कशी , कांची ( शिन कांची - विष्णु कांची ) , अवंतिका और द्वारिका पूरी !

आठ योग - यम , नियम, आसन , प्राणायाम , प्रत्याहार , धारणा , ध्यान एवं समाधी !

आठ लक्ष्मी - आग्घ , विद्या , सौभाग्य , अमृत , काम , सत्य , भोग , एवं योग लक्ष्मी !

नव दुर्गा - शैल पुत्री , ब्रह्मचारिणी , चंद्रघंटा , कुष्मांडा , स्कंदमाता , कात्यायिनी , कालरात्रि , महागौरी एवं सिद्धिदात्री !

दस दिशाएं - पूर्व , पश्चिम , उत्तर , दक्षिण , इशान , नेत्रत्य , वायव्य आग्नेय ,आकाश एवं पाताल !

मुख्या ग्यारह अवतार - मत्स्य , कच्छप , बराह , नरसिंह , बामन , परशुराम , श्री राम , कृष्ण , बलराम , बुद्ध , एवं कल्कि !

बारह मास - चेत्र , वैशाख , ज्येष्ठ ,अषाड़ , श्रावन , भाद्रपद , अश्विन , कार्तिक , मार्गशीर्ष . पौष , माघ , फागुन !

बारह राशी - मेष , ब्रषभ , मिथुन , कर्क , सिंह , तुला , ब्रश्चिक , धनु , मकर , कुम्भ , एवं कन्या !

बारह ज्योतिर्लिंग - सोमनाथ , मल्लिकर्जुना , महाकाल , ओमकालेश्वर , बैजनाथ , रामेश्वरम , विश्वनाथ , त्रियम्वाकेश्वर , केदारनाथ , घुष्नेश्वर , भीमाशंकर एवं नागेश्वर !

पंद्रह तिथियाँ - प्रतिपदा , द्वतीय , तृतीय , चतुर्थी , पंचमी , षष्ठी , सप्तमी , अष्टमी , नवमी , दशमी , एकादशी , द्वादशी , त्रयोदशी , चतुर्दशी , पूर्णिमा , अमावश्या !

स्म्रतियां - मनु , विष्णु, अत्री , हारीत , याज्ञवल्क्य , उशना , अंगीरा , यम , आपस्तम्ब , सर्वत , कात्यायन , ब्रहस्पति , पराशर , व्यास , शांख्य , लिखित , दक्ष , शातातप , वशिष्ठ !

और हिन्दू धर्म में एक भ्रान्ति हैं कि ३३ करोड़ देवता होते हैं...क्युकी संस्कृत भाषा में कोटि का अभिप्राय करोड़ होता हैं.....जबकि......यहाँ कोटि का तात्पर्य....संख्यावाचक न होकर..श्रेणी या प्रकार हैं.....अतः कुल ३३ प्रकार के देवता हैं......

१२ आदित्य ....धाता..मित्र .अर्यमा.शक्र.वरुण.अंश.भग . विवस्वान .पूषा.सविता.त्वष्टा.एवं विष्णु..!

८ वसु हैं......धर.ध्रुव.सोम.अहः.अनिल.अनल...प्रत्युष...एवं..प्रभाष

११ रूद्र हैं...हर ,बहुरूप.त्र्यम्बक.अपराजिता.वृषाकपि .शम्भू.कपर्दी..रेवत ..म्रग्व्यध.शर्व..तथा.कपाली.

२ अश्विनी कुमार हैं.....कुल................१२+८+११+२=33

How to reduce employee stress.

How to reduce employee stress.

Here are ten ways HR managers can help:

1. Allow employees to talk freely with one another. In an organization in which employees can talk freely with each other, productivity and problem-solving usually are enhanced.

2. Reduce personal conflicts on the job. Here are three steps that employers can take to minimize conflicts: a) training managers and employees to resolve conflicts through communication, negotiation and respect; b) treating employees fairly; and c) defining job expectations clearly.

3. Give employees adequate control over how they do their work. Workers are more productive and able to deal with stress better if they have some control over and flexibility in how they perform their work.

4. Ensure that staffing and expense budgets are adequate. Heavier workloads can increase illness, turnover and accidents and decrease productivity. Therefore, a new project may not be worth taking on if staffing and funding are inadequate.

5. Talk openly with employees. Management should keep employees informed about bad news as well as good news. Giving employees opportunities to air their concerns to management also is important.

6. Support employees' efforts. Workers are better able to cope with heavy workloads if management is sympathetic, understanding and encouraging. Listening to employees and addressing their issues also is helpful.

7. Provide competitive personal leave and vacation benefits. Workers who have time to relax and recharge after working hard are less likely to develop stress-related illnesses.

8. Maintain current levels of employee benefits. Workers' stress levels increase when they see reductions made in their employee benefits. Employers must weigh carefully the savings gained from reducing benefits with the potentially high costs of employee burnout.

9. Reduce the amount of red tape for employees. Employers can lower burnout rates if they ensure that employees' time isn't wasted on unnecessary paperwork and procedures.

10. Recognize and reward employees for their accomplishments and contributions. Ignoring employees' accomplishments can lower morale and provoke talented and experienced employees to seek work elsewhere.

ओम या ॐ के 10 रहस्य और चमत्कार

ओम या ॐ के 10 रहस्य और चमत्कार 1.  अनहद  नाद :  इस ध्वनि को  अनाहत  कहते हैं। अनाहत अर्थात जो किसी आहत या टकराहट से पैदा नहीं होती...