According to Vedic Astrology calculation your ascendant is in Libra Sign, your Moon Sign is Aquarius and your Vedic Sun Sign is Sagittarius. However, as per Western Astrology calculation your ascendant is in Scorpio Sign, your Moon Sign is Pisces and your Zodiac Sun Sign is Capricorn.
Dhana yoga brings material wealth and money, because it links the money houses 1, 2, 11, 5 and 9. The planetary positions and their combinations in an individual's birth chart signifies Dhana yoga or financial status of the individual. Your natal chart has indicated the following Wealth (Dhana) Yogas:
You have 3 no of Dhana Yogas in your chart. This yogas are formed between the following planets-
Mercury and Sun
Saturn and Mercury
Saturn and Sun
As per your Dasha System in your chart the next Dhana Yoga will be operative during the following periods.
Dhana yoga brings material wealth and money, because it links the money houses 1, 2, 11, 5 and 9. The planetary positions and their combinations in an individual's birth chart signifies Dhana yoga or financial status of the individual. Your natal chart has indicated the following Wealth (Dhana) Yogas:
You have 3 no of Dhana Yogas in your chart. This yogas are formed between the following planets-
Mercury and Sun
Saturn and Mercury
Saturn and Sun
As per your Dasha System in your chart the next Dhana Yoga will be operative during the following periods.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2025 | Thursday, November 06, 2025 |