27 दिसंबर, 2011

2012 KUMBH RASHI BHAVISHYA (Aquarius 2012 Horoscope)

KUMBH Rashi Bhavishya 2012 (AQUARIUS in 2012)

This is a very interesting topic to put 1/12th people in the world in the same bhavishya category. This topic can only talk about the Kriyaman karma (instant karma) and not the “destiny” of individuals. The destiny-analysis requires combination of horoscope (birth-time chart also called as natal-chart) and palmistry, face reading analysis.

Chandra rashi plays a significant role with the “Kriyaman” (i.e. instant) karma. Let us look at the individual Chandra Rashi predictions / patterns for 2012. I will post all signs one by one. (Some well known moon sign Kumbh folks: Salman Khan, Michael Jackson, Hillary Clinton, Sridevi?, Elvis Presley, Mulayam Singh, Mathew Hayden, Shekhar Kapoor? Sun Sign Aquarius Kumbh: Shivaji Maharaj, Albert Einstein, I will add more here)

Shani change article covers “What to expect” in 2012 quite a bit:

KUMBH Rashi Characteristics

Kumbh rashi folks are taller than their family folks and they have a highly absent minded genius kind of a side to them. This is an intellectual sign with an ability of doing “lateral thinking”. This is intellect of highest order which starts from Mithun and middle halt at Tula moving on to Kumbh: The Air sign Trikon of these 3 signs! Kumbh is owned by Shani but for physical presence. The logical owner of Kumbh is Uranus which is owner / Kaarak of electricity, electronics, sudden actions which starts at Mars (Engineering) in a primitive state. Kumbh rashi folks are always ahead of their time whereas Makar is conservative. Kumbh rashi can easily think 40-50 years ahead of the time. Their dress sense is VERY simple and often topic of ridicule of others. Although Guru is considered uchcha in Kirk/Cancer, South folks consider Guru uchcha in Kumbh. Rather, they think that a given horoscope is of a lower category if not a single planet is in Kumbh rashi or Kumbh navamansh! J Kumbh folks have a great foresight & they are often unorthodox, progressive and modern in their thought process. Kumbh sign vibrates to number 4.

Aquarius sun sign folks born from FEB14 to MAR13 also show these characteristic. Folks born from Sept16 to Oct16 KANYA/VIRGO Sun oppose these characteristics; Folks born from Jan14 to Feb13 MAKAR/Capricorn Sun also oppose Aquarius characteristics.


Guru Curve

2008 was a great year for you with multiple gains and even activity on real estate or overall investments. 2009 has been a TOUGH one for sure. 2010 brought you in the game somewhat until May2010. May2010 to Mahy2011 of some expansion and various positives but you did not “feel” very good!

Shani Curve

Well, Shani has been OFF for you from Sept2009 to Nov2011! Before that it did reduce your circle a bit but in this period you were not happening with respect to increasing your sphere of influence! Now things are looking much better.

KUMBH Rashi in 2012

Guru Effects: Guru 3rd until May-17-2012 and then 4th

3rd Guru from May2011 to May2012:

1. Starting of something new in career and life. Something related too expression, proposals, presentation, writing etc.

2. The 3rd house Guru is of “Adha-Bhagyoday” which means that you have got to travel away for 6 to 8 hrs in order to get a good brake.

3. The period until May2012 could also get you a land or a house some 6 to 8 hrs away from where you are.

4. There is a good possibility of going to a distant place for a year and coming back to current place after May2012

5. The new stuff that you are working on would get you a very good success in 5th Guru from May2013 to June2014. So need to plan something from 2/3 years point of view.

4th Guru from May2012 to May2013:

1. Slow period for you

2. This is THE best period for certifications, studies, a lot of reading, spending quality time with your family, spend time on home décor

3. Also time to spend time/socializing with your dear ones, increase your social network.

4. The period until May2012 is about preparing for the glorious 5th Guru of DREAM COME TRUE!

5. It is easy to say all things but when you need to go thru 4th Guru it is not that easy!

6. The funny thing is that when everybody has 5, 9 1st Guru – they are worried about the additional responsibilities etc and think when they will get time for themselves! When they are given time for SELF in 4, 8, 12 Guru or Shani – THEY DON’T KNOW what to do with it! J This is YOUR PERSONAL time; please use it to the fullest extent possible! J

9th Shani Effects: Shani 9th until Late2014 except 2.5 months in 2012

1. Dawn of the new things to start. The 3rd Guru from May2011 to May2012 has already started you a bit more optimistic anyways but Shani change to Tula will only add to this feel-good. This Dharma-Trikon Shani will increase responsibilities and change your profile in next 2+ years at workplace. Strategic initiatives with long term impact is the key here than the 3rd house operational or 5th house tactical success/struggle.

2. The 9th house Shani can make you move from current location to take on new challenges for growth. 9th is the house of “Bhagyoday. No bhagyoday on the face of the earth has happened without changing the location or changing profile! Couch-potatoes never have any bhagyoday! J

3. 9th Shani will now completely leverage you 8th Shani peeda & investments in various things.

4. 9th Shani will START something new for you slowly (not suddenly on 1 day) – it will not give a promotion which can be attributed to this change BUT it will slowly but surely will PLACE you in a strategic position which would last for next 7.5 years of your career – 9 , 10, 11 house Shani bhraman for Kumbh folks.

5. Michael Jackson career was made in Shani 9, 10, 11 to his Kumbh rashi and Kumbh lagna from 82 to 89/90. (he also had terrific Shani mahadasha of uchcha Shani in his horoscope). Bachchan has a terrific run from early 70s to 1980 in Shani 9, 10, 11 to Tula rashi along with Shani Mahadasha etc etc.

6. To summarize - -this 9th house Shani will bring Kumbh moon sign folks in “market”! J It will put spotlight on you. Your innovative, unorthodox and NEW & LATERAL moves/thoughts will be in great demand. This is a logical sequence of Makar the traditional/orthodox/industrious folks making hey in their 9th house Shani /increasing GDP, starting businesses etc and in the process setting the stage for Kumbh to come in action now! J

7. You will acquire slowly in next 2/3 years the people who would stay with you for 7.5 years. They will grow with you step by step as you climb-up the ladder. Make sure you have the 2nd line always else you would be able to go that much more distance! These people stick with you for 9, 10, 11 house Shani. Your bhagyoday in 9th house Shani is related to MASSES --- Your products/services etc acquire NEW masses which support you for next 7.5 years and also beyond but for 7.5 years the keep increasing and stay with you later also but stop increasing in direct proportional.

Shani is wakri From Feb 8th 2012 to June 26, 2012: Things could be slow in wakri Shani for sure. Shani becomes 8nd from May2010 to July2012.

Other Effects:

1. Rahu and Ketu 10th and 4th until Jan2013

a. Raahu 10th shows increase in power at work place. Taking on very big projects that are awe-inspiring and have some great image associated with them.

b. It also shows monopoly at workplace where you tend to run-over others frequently.

c. 10th house planets give success after stress, pressure-cooker situations and lot of work. Maximum work when there is a maximum opposition (Boyle’s law?!).

d. Ketu 4th shows contacts with maternal family – Folks from maternal family visiting often. Some quality time with maternal family. Gains of estate, house etc to maternal family.

2. Mangal movements

a. It is 7th (collaborations) until June2012 in Guru drushti: 7th Mangal shows collaboration with friends & siblings. Land related matters could go to court and could bring success.

b. Mangal enters Kanya (8th) in June and is a period to be careful with sports, cars, injuries etc.

c. August 12 to August 20 is a period when Mangal & Shani are close to each other – Drive vehicles carefully. Period of injury to all signs

d. Then until Sept 28th Mangal & Shani are together in Tula rashi –10th house -- shows accident prone environment quite a bit. Travel possibilities but some trouble, nuisance in travel!

e. Mangal with digbal (10th) in Vrishchik rashi from Sept28th to Nov 8 with Rahu: 10th house – power, happening feel

f. Mangal in 11th house from Nov 8 to Dec 18 in Sagittarius: multiple gains, meeting with senior friends, siblings

3. Neptune continues in Kumbh for several years! In house Neptune shows some spiritual exposure

4. Harshal in 2nd house in Meen shows some sudden investment opportunities in shares/jewelry etc

5. Seniors / Upper Management (the Sun movement) would be VERY favorable from

a. Oct 16th to Nov 16th à 9th house (Support from Seniors/Govt)

b. Nov 16th to Dec 16th à 10th house (Power, Stress, Happening feel)

c. Dec16th to Jan 14th à 11th house (Gains, Money)

d. July 15th to Aug 15th à 6th House: Success in competition, better results that colleagues etc

6. Seniors / Upper Management (the Sun movement) would NOT be good for

a. Jan 14th to Feb 14th : 12th house Sun – Adversity with seniors & authority, Govt, Father

b. Sept 16 to Oct 16th à 8th house Sun – PEEDA from seniors & authority, Govt, Father etc

21 दिसंबर, 2011


देवरिया, भारत के उत्तर प्रदेश प्रान्त का एक शहर और जिला मुख्यालय है। कुछ विद्वान देवरिया की उत्पत्ति देवारण्य या देवपुरिया से मानते हैं। माना जाता है कि इस क्षेत्र में कभी बहुत घने वन हुआ करते थे जिसमें देवताओं का वास था। इस जिले की बोली भोजपुरी है।

शहीद स्मारक, हनुमान मंदिर, सोमनाथ मंदिर और देवराही मंदिर, चौरी-चौरा, फाजिलनगर और परशुराम धाम आदि यहां के प्रमुख पर्यटन स्थलों में से हैं। उत्तर प्रदेश का यह जिला 2,613 वर्ग किलोमीटर क्षेत्रफल में फैला हुआ है। पहले इस जगह को देवरनया या देवपुरिया के नाम से जाना जाता था, लेकिन बाद में इसका नाम बदलकर देवरिया रख दिया गया। माना जाता है कि यह जगह कौशल राज्य का एक हिस्सा था। इसका उल्‍लेख रामायण महाकाव्‍य में भी मिलता है। यह क्षेत्र कई वंशों जैसे मौर्य, गुप्त, भार और गढ़वाल आदि के अधीन काफी लम्बे समय तक रहा है। यह जिला कुशीनगर के उत्तर, मऊ एवं बलिया के दक्षिण, गोरखपुर के पश्चिम और गोपालगंज एवं सिवान के पूर्व से घिरा हुआ है।

देवरिया जनपद :- ऐतिहासिक दृष्टि से देवरिया कौशल राज्य का भाग था । जनपद के विभिन्न भागों में बहुत सारे पुरातात्विक अवशेष मिले हैं जैसे :- मंदिर, मूर्तियाँ, सिक्के, बौद्धस्तूप, मठ आदि । बहुत सारी कथाएँ भी इसकी प्राचीन गतिशील जीवनता को सत्यापित करती हैं । कुशीनगर जनपद जो कुछ साल पहले तक देवरिया जनपद का ही भाग था का पौराणिक नाम कुशावती था और भगवान राम के पुत्र कुश यहाँ राज्य करते थे और भगवान बुद्ध की परिनिर्वाण स्थली भी यही है । देवरिया का पौराणिक और ऐतिहासिक महत्व है । देवरिया जनपद के रुद्रपुर में प्रसिद्ध प्राचीन शिवलिंग है जो बाबा दुग्धेश्वर के नाम से ग्रंथों में वर्णित है और इस क्षेत्र की जनता जनार्दन इनको बाबा दुधनाथ के नाम से पुकारती है । इतिहास की माने तो रुद्रपुर में रुद्रसेन नामक राजा का किला था और इसी कारण यह रुद्रपुर कहलाया पर मेरे विचार से भगवान रुद्र (शिव) की पुरी (नगरी) होने के कारण इसका नाम रुद्रपुर पड़ा होगा । सरयू नदी के तट पर बसे बरहज की धार्मिक महत्ता है । दूर-दूर से श्रद्धालु यहाँ आते हैं । स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में भी देवरिया पीछे नही रहा और अंग्रेजों के विरुद्ध बिगुल फूँक दिया । शहीद रामचंद्र इण्टरमिडिएट कालेज बसंतपुर धूसी (तरकुलवा) के कक्षा आठ का एक छात्र बालक रामचंद्र ने देवरिया में भारतीय तिरंगे को लहराकर शहीद रामचंद्र हो गया और सदा के लिए अमर हो गया ।
देवरिया जिले के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम सेनानियों में एक और नाम बड़े आदर के साथ लिया जाता है पंडित रामचंद्र शर्मा..

पंडित राम चन्द्र शर्मा की गड़ना उन कुछ गिने चुने लोगो में की जा सकती है जिनके जीवन का उद्देश्य व्यक्तिगत सुख लिप्सा न होकर समाज के उन सभी लोगो के हित के लिए अत्मोत्सर्ग रहा है. यही कारण है कि स्वतंत्रता संग्राम मे अपने अद्वितिय योगदान के पश्चात पंडित जी ने अपने संघर्ष की ईति स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ति के बाद भी नही मानी. वे आजीवन पीड़ित मानवता के कल्याण के लिए जूझते रहे . पंडित जी का जन्म ७ मार्च १९०२ को ग्राम अमवा, पोस्ट: घाटी, थाना- खाम पार , जनपद -गोरखपुर( वर्तमान देवरिया जनपद) मे हुआ था. वे अपने माता पिता की अंतिम संतान थे. पंडित जी से बड़ी पाँच बहने थी . यही कारण था की पंडित जी का बचपन अत्यंत लड़ प्यार से बीता. यद्यपि पंडित जी उच्च शिक्ष प्राप्त नही कर सके किंतु स्वाध्याय और बाबा राघव दास के सनिध्य में ईतना ज्ञानार्जन किया कि उन्हे किसी विश्वविद्यालीय डिग्री की आवश्यकता नही रही. बाबा राघव दास से दीक्षा लेने के पाश्‍चात सभी बंधानो का तोड़कर वे स्वतंत्रता संग्राम मे कूद पड़े.सर्व प्रथम १८२७ ई. मे नमक सत्याग्रह मे जेल गये. सन १८२८ ई मे भेगारी मे नमक क़ानून तोड़कर बाबा राघव दास जी के साथ जेल गये. वहाँ बाबा ने उन्हे राजनीति का विधिवत पाठ पढ़ाया. सन १८३० ईमे नेहरू जी के नेतृत्व में गोरखपुर में सत्यग्रह करते समय गिरफ्तार हुए. सन १८३२ ई मे थाना भोरे जिला सिवान (बिहार) मे गिरफ़तार हुएऔर गोपालगंज जेल में निरुध रहे. १९३३ में पटना में सत्याग्रह करते समय गिरफ्तार हुए और १ वर्ष तक दानापुर जेल में बंद रहे. १९३९ में लाल बहादुर शास्त्री ,डॉ सम्पूर्णा नन्द , कमलापति त्रिपाठी के साथ बनारस में गिरफ्तार हुए. कुछ दिनों बनारस जेल में रहने के पश्चात उन्हें बलिया जेल में स्थानांतरित कर दिया गया. १० अगस्त १९४२ को ये भारत छोडो आन्दोलन में गिरफ्तार हुए. जब ये जेल में ही थे इनके पिता राम प्रताप पाण्डेय का स्वर्गवास हो गया , फिर भी अंग्रेजों ने अपने दमनात्मक दृष्टि कोण के कारन इन्हें पेरोल पर भी नहीं छोड़ा. १९४५ में इनकी माता निउरा देवी भी दिवंगत हो गयीं. इनकी पत्नी श्रीमती लवंगा देवी भी स्वतंत्र भारत देखने से वंचित रही. १४ अगस्त १९४७ को इनका भी निधन हो गया किन्तु पंडित जी के लिए राष्ट्र के सुख दुःख के समक्ष व्यक्तिगत सुख दुःख का अर्थ नहीं रह गया था.पंडित जी १९४७ में कांग्रस के जिला मंत्री निर्वाचित हुए. जहा अन्य लोग सत्ता सुख में निमग्न थे ,पंडित जी को पुकार रहा था ,देश के अनेकानेक वंचित लोगों का कऋण क्रंदन , और यही कारण था की पंडित जी समाजवादी आन्दोलन से जुड़ गए. १९५२ में मार्क्स के दार्शनिक चिंतन से अत्यंत प्रभावित हुए और तबसे जीवन पर्यंत एक सच्चे समाजवादी के रूप में संघर्ष रत रहे .२६ अगस्त १९९२ को काल के कुटिल हाथो ने पंडित जी को हमसे छीन लिया .

 देवरिया ब्रह्मर्षि देवरहा बाबा, बाबा राघव दास, आचार्य नरेंद्र देव जैसे महापुरुषों की कर्मभूमि रहा है । गोरखपुर जनपद का यह तहसील १९४६ में पृथक होकर एक जनपद के रूप में अवतरित हुआ और तब से विकास के पथ पर अग्रसर है । देवरिया जनपद लगभग २५२७.२ किलोमीटर में फैला है और कृषि प्रधान क्षेत्र है। घाघरा, राप्ती और गंडक नदियों ने इसकी उपजाऊ क्षमता को बढ़ाया है । इस जनपद की मिट्टी सोना उगलती है ।फसलों में मुख्य रूप से धान, गेहूँ, गन्ना, मक्का, आलू, द्विदलीय अन्न (अरहर, मटर, चना, मूँग इत्यादि), तिलहन (सरसों, राई, तीसी, सूर्यमुखी इत्यादि), खरबूज, तरबूज, ककड़ी, खीरा, हर प्रकार की मौसमी सब्जियाँ (भिंडी, टमाटर, मूली, प्याज, नेनुआ, करैला, तिरोई, कोहड़ा, लौकी, भंटा इत्यादि), सागों में कई प्रकार के साग विशेषकर जैसे पालक,चौंराई (चौराई), सनई,  बथुआ इत्यादि ।
 बथुआ का दाल बहुत ही पौष्टिक और स्वस्थ्य वर्धक होता है बथुआ का मौसम जाड़े में आता है इस मौसम में बहुत सारे साग मिलते है जैसे चने का साग, पलक, सरसों, बथुआ और मेथी | बथुआ में बहुत ज्यादे मात्र में आयरन मिलता है इससे पेट भी साफ रहता है |

खेतों में ग्रामीण महिलाओं एवं किशोरियों को भथुआ को खोंटते (तोड़ते) हुए देखा जा सकता है । भथुआ को खोंट-खोंटकर ये लोग अपने फाड़ (साड़ी के किनारे या दुपट्टे को कमर में लपेटकर बनाई हुई थैली) में रखती जाती हैं ।

17 दिसंबर, 2011


Cancellation Of Mangalik Dosha

Before assuming that your Kundali is Manglik get it verified by an expert Astrologer . There are many situations where the mangal dosha gets cancelled. Given below are some cases where Mars even if it is in 2nd, 12th, 4th, 7th or 8th house the manglik dosha gets cancelled: -
  1. When Mars is in its own sign or in the houses owned by his friends manglik dosha gets cancelled.
  2. If Mars is in the 2nd house but in Virgo, Gemini sign no dosha.
  3. If Mars is in 12th house but in Taurus, Libra no dosha.
  4. If Mars is in 7th house but in Cancer, Capricorn no dosha.
  5. If Mars is in 8th house but in Sagittarius, Pisces no dosha.
  6. For Cancer and Leo ascendant Mars is a yogakaraka wherever it may be no dosha at all.
  7. For Aquarius ascendant Mars in the 4th/8th house no dosha.
  8. If benefic Jupiter or Venus is in ascendant no dosha.
  9. If Mars is in conjunction or aspected by Jupiter or Moon no dosha.
  10. If Mars is in conjunction/aspected by Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Rahu no dosha.

20 नवंबर, 2011


हमारे पूज्य पितामह श्री सीताराम तिवारी से प्राप्त जानकारी लिपिबद्ध कर रहा हूँ , जिससे आनेवाली पीढ़ी लाभ उठा सके.

शांडिल्य गोत्र की व्युत्पत्ति
 व्रह्मा : कश्यप,असिती,देवल.
वेद :सामवेद
प्रवर : कश्यप,असिती,देवल
शाखा :कौथुमी
पाद : वाम
सूत्र : गोमिल
इष्ट देव : शिव
वंशज : सरया,सोहगौरा,मठिया,देउरवा,बलुआ,सिरजम,धानी,सोपारी,चेतिया,परतावल.
उप नाम: राम,कृष्ण,नाथ,मणि.
राम घराना:गोरखनाथ नामक एक तपस्वी एवं ओजस्वी ब्राह्मण थे उन्ही के नाम पर राम घराना नाम पड़ा.
कृष्ण घराना: बारिपुर, बसावनपुर, बंजरिया ,बुधियाबारी.
नाथ घराना:
चेतिया,परतावल,मिलौनी,निगहिया, नदौली.
मणि घराना: देवता, पचरुखिया, धानी, हरदी,बलुआ,
बुधियाबारी,तलियाबाद,बढ़ना,सिरजम,सेमरी,रथवर्ग,देवतिया,बरपार,उद्धवपुर,हथिदह,परास्सुपारी,यमुना,करकपर्गढ़,सुकरौली,सोनौरा ,कुठौली,सिसवांलेदक.

01 नवंबर, 2011


                                                   R.N Tiwari With Former Prime Minister     

                                                   Chandra Shekhar Ji.

                                                     Rameshwar Nath Tiwari

21 अक्टूबर, 2011


An Indian now owns East India Company

An Indian now owns East India Company

Sanjiv Mehta, CEO of The East India Company.
Dipankar De Sarkar | 15 Feb, 2010
With just around a month to go for the re-launch of the East India Company - the world's first multinational whose forces once ruled much of the globe - its new Indian owner says he is overwhelmed by "a huge feeling of redemption".

It's been a long, emotional and personal journey for Sanjiv Mehta, a Mumbai-born entrepreneur who completed the process of buying the East India Company (EIC) in 2005 from the "30 or 40" people who owned it.

Acutely aware that he owned a piece of history - at its height the company generated half of world trade and employed a third of the British workforce - Mehta, now the sole owner, dived into the company's rich and ruthless past in order to give it a new direction for the future.

With a $15-million investment and inputs from a range of experts - from designers and brand researchers to historians - Mehta is today poised to open the first East India Company store in London's upmarket Mayfair neighbourhood in March.

And then there is the inevitable - and daunting - task of launching in India, a country whose resources, army, trade and politics the company had controlled for some 200 years.

It's a task that Mehta has not taken lightly, he told reporter in an interview. "Put yourself in my shoes for a moment: On a rational plane, when I bought the company I saw gold at the end of the rainbow.

"But, at an emotional level as an Indian, when you think with your heart as I do, I had this huge feeling of redemption - this indescribable feeling of owning a company that once owned us."

The formal start of the East India Company is usually dated back to 1600 when Britain's Queen Elizabeth I granted a group of merchants a charter under the name 'The Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies.'

With its own Elizabethan coat of arms - now owned by Mehta - the company was made responsible for bringing tea, coffee and luxury goods to the West and trading in spices across the globe.

By 1757 the company had become a powerful arm of British imperial might, with its own army, navy, shipping fleets and currency, and control over key trading posts in India - where it was known variously as Company Bahadur and John Company. In 1874, the British government nationalised the company, opportunistically blaming the 1857 uprising on its excesses. But the East India Company army, brought under the command of the Crown, retained its all-powerful presence in India.

"When I took over the company, my objective was to understand its history. I took a sabbatical from all other business and this became the single purpose in my life," said Mehta.

He travelled around the world, visiting former EIC trading posts and museums, reading up records and meeting people "who understood the business of that time".

"There was a huge sense of responsibility - I didn't create this brand, but I wanted to be as pioneering as the merchants who created it."

"The Elizabethan coat of arms stands for trust and reassurance, but we are not repeating history. It took me four years to do the brand positioning and put up the milestones."

The 'relaunched' company, with its headquarters on Conduit Street in Mayfair, is set to open a diverse line of high-end, luxury goods in London in March and in India some time this year.

EIC products in India will include fine foods, furniture, real estate, health and hospitality.

"India is the spirit of the East India Company in many ways - it evokes a huge amount of connectivity and emotions," Mehta said. "It's also a major ambition to bring Indian products to the rest of the world. Today there is no single brand name from the East that can stand alongside, say, Hermes or Cartier from the West.

"The East India Company has that ability." 

यादें .....

अपनी यादें अपनी बातें लेकर जाना भूल गए  जाने वाले जल्दी में मिलकर जाना भूल गए  मुड़ मुड़ कर पीछे देखा था जाते ...