24 अप्रैल, 2013


'Religion' is all about your assembly to God.

This connection you precise in your thoughts, words and deeds.

Go within, and meditate on the fact that the sovereignty of God is in your heart.

Mainstream 'religions' are mostly businesses.

The Kingdom of God is within you, and the Spirit is even right now waiting for you to open your mind to its inspiration.

"What you speak; that you create,
Change your words; change your fate"

Look for a teacher that can guide you into Meta-Physical thinking and you will understand every 'religion' in the world, and not be a slave of any.
If you want religion and ritual, then pick from the thousands of religions around. But if you want peace, purpose, a clean conscience and overall life with a sense of wholeness, then only Truth can give that.

I personally have peace. Not natural peace that comes and goes but a deep sense of being worry free. You cannot have faith and worry at the same time.

I have a clean conscience. This means I do not have to carry a heavy load of awareness of my sins on my head. I know I am totally forgiven and I actually experience that forgiveness.

I have purpose. Not only is my life today good but my future looks even better!

I have a sense of wholeness like nothing is missing. I feel complete and am not searching for more.

This is the real result of having Truth. Truth is like a seed, when planted it produces a certain type of fruit. If you are depressed, hopeless, confused and loaded with a sense of guilt and awareness of your sinfulness then what do you have? Truth or just ritualistic religion?

Natural Happiness

23 अप्रैल, 2013

भारत की संस्कृति

भारत की संस्कृति को पहचाने ---

दो पक्ष - कृष्ण पक्ष एवं शुक्ल पक्ष !

तीन ऋण - देव ऋण, पित्र ऋण एवं ऋषि त्रण !

चार युग - सतयुग , त्रेता युग , द्वापरयुग एवं कलयुग !

चार धाम - द्वारिका , बद्रीनाथ, जगन्नाथ पूरी एवं रामेश्वरम धाम !

चारपीठ - शारदा पीठ ( द्वारिका ), ज्योतिष पीठ ( जोशीमठ बद्रिधाम), गोवर्धन पीठ ( जगन्नाथपुरी ) एवं श्रन्गेरिपीठ !

चर वेद- ऋग्वेद , अथर्वेद, यजुर्वेद एवं सामवेद !

चार आश्रम - ब्रह्मचर्य , गृहस्थ , बानप्रस्थ एवं संन्यास !

चार अंतःकरण - मन , बुद्धि , चित्त , एवं अहंकार !

पञ्च गव्य - गाय का घी , दूध , दही , गोमूत्र एवं गोबर , !

पञ्च देव - गणेश , विष्णु , शिव , देवी और सूर्य !

पंच तत्त्व - प्रथ्वी , जल , अग्नि , वायु एवं आकाश !

छह दर्शन - वैशेषिक , न्याय , सांख्य, योग , पूर्व मिसांसा एवं दक्षिण मिसांसा !

सप्त ऋषि - विश्वामित्र , जमदाग्नि , भरद्वाज , गौतम , अत्री , वशिष्ठ और कश्यप !

सप्त पूरी - अयोध्या पूरी , मथुरा पूरी , माया पूरी ( हरिद्वार ) , कशी , कांची ( शिन कांची - विष्णु कांची ) , अवंतिका और द्वारिका पूरी !

आठ योग - यम , नियम, आसन , प्राणायाम , प्रत्याहार , धारणा , ध्यान एवं समाधी !

आठ लक्ष्मी - आग्घ , विद्या , सौभाग्य , अमृत , काम , सत्य , भोग , एवं योग लक्ष्मी !

नव दुर्गा - शैल पुत्री , ब्रह्मचारिणी , चंद्रघंटा , कुष्मांडा , स्कंदमाता , कात्यायिनी , कालरात्रि , महागौरी एवं सिद्धिदात्री !

दस दिशाएं - पूर्व , पश्चिम , उत्तर , दक्षिण , इशान , नेत्रत्य , वायव्य आग्नेय ,आकाश एवं पाताल !

मुख्या ग्यारह अवतार - मत्स्य , कच्छप , बराह , नरसिंह , बामन , परशुराम , श्री राम , कृष्ण , बलराम , बुद्ध , एवं कल्कि !

बारह मास - चेत्र , वैशाख , ज्येष्ठ ,अषाड़ , श्रावन , भाद्रपद , अश्विन , कार्तिक , मार्गशीर्ष . पौष , माघ , फागुन !

बारह राशी - मेष , ब्रषभ , मिथुन , कर्क , सिंह , तुला , ब्रश्चिक , धनु , मकर , कुम्भ , एवं कन्या !

बारह ज्योतिर्लिंग - सोमनाथ , मल्लिकर्जुना , महाकाल , ओमकालेश्वर , बैजनाथ , रामेश्वरम , विश्वनाथ , त्रियम्वाकेश्वर , केदारनाथ , घुष्नेश्वर , भीमाशंकर एवं नागेश्वर !

पंद्रह तिथियाँ - प्रतिपदा , द्वतीय , तृतीय , चतुर्थी , पंचमी , षष्ठी , सप्तमी , अष्टमी , नवमी , दशमी , एकादशी , द्वादशी , त्रयोदशी , चतुर्दशी , पूर्णिमा , अमावश्या !

स्म्रतियां - मनु , विष्णु, अत्री , हारीत , याज्ञवल्क्य , उशना , अंगीरा , यम , आपस्तम्ब , सर्वत , कात्यायन , ब्रहस्पति , पराशर , व्यास , शांख्य , लिखित , दक्ष , शातातप , वशिष्ठ !

और हिन्दू धर्म में एक भ्रान्ति हैं कि ३३ करोड़ देवता होते हैं...क्युकी संस्कृत भाषा में कोटि का अभिप्राय करोड़ होता हैं.....जबकि......यहाँ कोटि का तात्पर्य....संख्यावाचक न होकर..श्रेणी या प्रकार हैं.....अतः कुल ३३ प्रकार के देवता हैं......

१२ आदित्य ....धाता..मित्र .अर्यमा.शक्र.वरुण.अंश.भग . विवस्वान .पूषा.सविता.त्वष्टा.एवं विष्णु..!

८ वसु हैं......धर.ध्रुव.सोम.अहः.अनिल.अनल...प्रत्युष...एवं..प्रभाष

११ रूद्र हैं...हर ,बहुरूप.त्र्यम्बक.अपराजिता.वृषाकपि .शम्भू.कपर्दी..रेवत ..म्रग्व्यध.शर्व..तथा.कपाली.

२ अश्विनी कुमार हैं.....कुल................१२+८+११+२=33

How to reduce employee stress.

How to reduce employee stress.

Here are ten ways HR managers can help:

1. Allow employees to talk freely with one another. In an organization in which employees can talk freely with each other, productivity and problem-solving usually are enhanced.

2. Reduce personal conflicts on the job. Here are three steps that employers can take to minimize conflicts: a) training managers and employees to resolve conflicts through communication, negotiation and respect; b) treating employees fairly; and c) defining job expectations clearly.

3. Give employees adequate control over how they do their work. Workers are more productive and able to deal with stress better if they have some control over and flexibility in how they perform their work.

4. Ensure that staffing and expense budgets are adequate. Heavier workloads can increase illness, turnover and accidents and decrease productivity. Therefore, a new project may not be worth taking on if staffing and funding are inadequate.

5. Talk openly with employees. Management should keep employees informed about bad news as well as good news. Giving employees opportunities to air their concerns to management also is important.

6. Support employees' efforts. Workers are better able to cope with heavy workloads if management is sympathetic, understanding and encouraging. Listening to employees and addressing their issues also is helpful.

7. Provide competitive personal leave and vacation benefits. Workers who have time to relax and recharge after working hard are less likely to develop stress-related illnesses.

8. Maintain current levels of employee benefits. Workers' stress levels increase when they see reductions made in their employee benefits. Employers must weigh carefully the savings gained from reducing benefits with the potentially high costs of employee burnout.

9. Reduce the amount of red tape for employees. Employers can lower burnout rates if they ensure that employees' time isn't wasted on unnecessary paperwork and procedures.

10. Recognize and reward employees for their accomplishments and contributions. Ignoring employees' accomplishments can lower morale and provoke talented and experienced employees to seek work elsewhere.

Infuriate Your Boss???

Infuriate Your Boss???

Want to anger your boss, harm your chances for promotion or a raise, and generally lower your value in his or her eyes? Here are 10 things that are guaranteed to frustrate your manager.
1. Don’t take responsibility for your mistakes. Reasonable bosses know that no one is perfect and that mistakes will sometimes happen. What they care about is how you follow up on a mistake. If you make excuses, get defensive, or deny responsibility, your boss won’t trust that you understand why the mistake happened in the first place and what you need to do to prevent it in the future.
2. Be too sensitive to take feedback calmly. If you routinely get upset, offended, or angry when your boss gives you feedback on your work, you’re making it hard (and painful) for your boss to do her job. Worse yet, she might start avoiding giving you important feedback that you need to hear. You need to know what you could be doing better, and you’re more likely to hear it if you don’t make it difficult for your boss to tell you.
3. Don’t take notes during a discussion of work that you’ll be doing. When you’re having a nuanced discussion of a project, your boss wants to see that you’re capturing the details. If you’re not writing things down, she’s going to wonder how you’re really going to retain all of it. It comes across as cavalier and not taking the project seriously enough.
4. Guess instead of finding out an answer for sure. Guessing means that some of the time, you’ll be giving out wrong information. And your boss isn’t asking you questions just to pass the time; she’ll be making decisions or taking actions based on the information you provide, so it needs to be right. If you’re not sure about something, say soand then say you’ll find out.
5. Don’t disclose your biases. It’s fine to have biases; we all do. But if you hide your agenda or biases from your boss and she eventually finds out, you’ll have destroyed your credibility with her. On the other hand, be vigilant about owning up to your biases, and you’ll earn real and lasting credibility.
6. Regularly vent about your frustrations without bringing them to your manager. Everyone vents about their job (or their boss) sometimes. But if you find yourself routinely complaining to other people, it’s time to either talk to your manager or start keeping it to yourself. Eventually, your complaints will get back to your boss, and she’ll be unimpressed that you weren’t professional enough to address your concerns head-on.
7. Treat a coworker badly. You may be 100 percent in the right when it comes to the substance of your stance, but if you’re rude, hostile, or disrespectful with colleagues, you’ll harm your manager’s ability to back youand will shift the focus to your own behavior.
8. Use email for complicated, sensitive, or heated topics. Yes, it often feels easier to stay behind your computer to hash out difficult subjects. But sometimes you just need to pick up the phone or talk to people face-to-face, and your boss wants to know that you have the judgment to recognize those times.
9. Make your manager follow up with you to ensure things are getting done. If you don’t do what you say you’re going to dowhether it’s because you’re disorganized and don’t keep track of what you commit to, or because you never thought it was a good idea in the first placeyour boss will conclude that she can’t count on you to keep your word.
10. Hide things. Hiding thingswork that isn’t getting done, an angry client, a missed deadline, the fact that you don’t really know how to use that softwareis the kiss of death. If your boss isn’t confident that you’ll give her bad news directly or be forthright about a problem, at a minimum you’ll destroy her trust in you and signal that she needs to dig around for what else you might be hiding. And it might even get you fired.

How to deal with Biased Boss!!!

How to deal with Biased Boss!!!

Step 1
Weigh the severity of your boss’s biases before acting. A boss may allow other employees as much time off as they request but routinely deny workers with small children the same privilege. Or the boss might unintentionally insult an employee by implying that people of her faith are less intelligent, in general. These actions might show poor judgment, but they’re not illegal. However, a boss who knowingly discriminates against workers because of race, gender, ethnicity, religion or a disability is breaking the law under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Step 2
Document your boss’s behavior. Discrimination can be hard to identify and even more difficult to prove. If you decide to file a claim, documentation is critical in showing a pattern of biased behavior. Take notes after encounters in which the boss ties your “incompetence” to your race or unfairly blames your disability for tardiness. Be discreet with your note-taking to avoid the impression of conspiring against your boss.
Step 3
Attempt to speak with your boss. Although it may be hard to maintain a positive relationship with a boss you feel discriminates against you, try initiating a no accusatory dialogue on intolerance. The Southern Poverty Law Center, under its “Teaching Tolerance” project, recommends tying the discussion to the company’s “bottom line.” Mention to your boss how employees who feel respected and valued help the company meet its financial goals.
Step 4
Talk with human resources if a dialogue with the boss fails. Describe your situation and present any documentation you’ve gathered. Ask about the company’s antidiscrimination and anti -harassment policies and whether they apply in your case. HR may investigate your complaint.
Step 5
File a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. If you find your boss’s behavior particularly hateful, you may choose to file a suit. The EEOC enforces laws that protect workers and job applicants from being discriminated against because of race, gender (including pregnancy), color, national origin, age (over 40), religion and genetic information. Laws apply to employers with at least 15 employees, or 20 workers for age bias. The agency assesses your claim, conducts an investigation and rules on the case.
Step 6
Request a transfer. An unpleasant work situation isn’t worth tolerating. You may even need to leave the company. A biased boss has no incentive to change behavior if the company tolerates discrimination.

यादें .....

अपनी यादें अपनी बातें लेकर जाना भूल गए  जाने वाले जल्दी में मिलकर जाना भूल गए  मुड़ मुड़ कर पीछे देखा था जाते ...