16 अप्रैल, 2010

Life & Spirituality in INDIA


     Life & Spirituality in India

Life and spirituality are most common subjects which every individual tries to learn throughout life and understand its glimpse to feel happy mostly when he is sad. Every individual has own experience which he shares to others but others may agree but not fully satisfied and thus the journey of life starts during that those who follow the path of spirituality, try to achieve mental peace and satisfaction .
 In India, spirituality and religion are part of everyday life. In no other country, perhaps, will you see a sadhu (a renounced ascetic or a practitioner of yoga)
Walking on the street with just a blanket and his rosary as his possessions without attracting any attention. India is home to all the major religions of the world, thriving in harmony since centuries. Although we will discuss the predominant religions in the country, we begin with Hinduism since it is the dominant religion in the subcontinent. Hindu’s comprise 80% of the population in India.

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अपनी यादें अपनी बातें लेकर जाना भूल गए  जाने वाले जल्दी में मिलकर जाना भूल गए  मुड़ मुड़ कर पीछे देखा था जाते ...