01 जून, 2016

The Aga Khan Palace ,PUNE

The Aga Khan Palace was built by Sultan Muhammed Shah Aga Khan III in Pune, India. Built in 1892, it is one of the biggest landmarks in Indian history. The palace was an act of charity by the Sultan who wanted to help the poor in the neighboring areas of Pune, who were drastically hit by famine.

 Aga Khan Palace is a majestic building and is considered to be one of the greatest marvels of India. The palace is closely linked to the Indian freedom movement as it served as a prison for Mahatma Gandhi, his wife Kasturba Gandhi, his secretary Mahadev Desai and Sarojini Naidu. It is also the place where Kasturba Gandhi and Mahadev Desai died. In 2003, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) declared the place as a monument of national importance.

The Aga Khan Palace
The Agakhan Palace, Pune, is a National Monument of India’s freedom movement. Following the launch of Quit India Movement in 1942, Gandhiji, Kasturba, Mahadevbhai Desai, Sarojini Naidu and other national leaders were intended at the Agakhan Palace from August 5, 1942 to May 6, 1944. Mahadevbhai & Kasturba passed away while in captivity at the Agakhan Palace and their samadhis are located in the campus.

The Agakhan Palace has developed into a National and International place of Pilgrimiga, with over a lakh a visitors every year, who come to pay their homage to the Samadhis.
After the sad demise of Kasturba, Gandhi had expressed a wish that this place should develop into a place of Emancipation of Women. On the occassion of Gandhi Birth Centenary in 1969, H. H. Prince Karim Agakhan donated this Agakhan Palace to the nation, as a mark of respect to Gandhiji and his philosophy.

On August 15, 1972, a Gandhi Museum cum Picture Gallery was inaugurated at The Agakhan Palace. In 1980, the management of the museum, samadhis and the palace campus was transferred to Gandhi National Memorial Society by Gandhi Smarak Nidhi, New Delhi. As a tribute to the memory of Kasturba a National Institute for the development of women was established in 1980 where the main emphasis is on Empowerment of women through training and development.

The Gandhi National Memorial Society has been trying to make this place a Living Memorial to Ba & Bapu by organising a number of activities throughout the year.
Agakhan Palace,
Nagar Road
Pune – 411006, Maharashtra, India 
Tel – 91-20-2668 0250
Fax – 91-20-2661 2700
Email: gandhi_memorial@vsnl.net

31 मई, 2016

NDA, Pune

The National Defence Academy (NDA) is the Joint Services academy of the Indian Armed Forces, where cadets of the three services, the Army, the Navy and the Air Force train together before they go on to pre-commissioning training in their respective service academies. The NDA is located at Khadakwasla near PuneMaharashtra. It is the first tri-service academy in the world.
NDA alumni have led and fought in every major conflict in which the Indian Armed Forces has been called to action since the academy was established. The alumni include 3 Param Vir Chakra recipients and 9 Ashoka Chakra recipients. National Defence Academy has produced 27 service Chiefs Of Staff till date. Current Chiefs Of Staff of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force are all NDA alumni.[2]

The NDA campus is located about 17 km south-west of Pune city, north-west of Khadakwasla Lake. It spans 7,015 acres (28.39 km2) of the 8,022 acres (32.46 km2) donated by the Government of the former Bombay State. The site was chosen for being on a lake shore, the suitability of the neighboring hilly terrain, proximity to the Arabian Sea and other military establishments, an operational air base nearby at Lohegaon as well as the salubrious climate. The existence of an old combined-forces training centre and a disused mock landing ship, HMS Angostura, on the north bank of the Khadakwasla lake which had been used to train troops for amphibious landings, lent additional leverage for the selection of the site.[3] Aptly, NDA is also located in the hunting grounds of the legendary Shivaji, with the Sinhagad Fort as a panoramic backdrop.
The administrative headquarters of the NDA was named the Sudan Block, in honour of the sacrifices of Indian soldiers in the Sudan theatre during the East African Campaign. It was inaugurated by then Ambassador of Sudan to India, Rahmatullah Abdulla, on 30 May 1959. The building is a 3-storey basalt and granite structure constructed with Jodhpur red sandstone. Its architecture features an exterior design comprising a blend of arches, pillars and verandahs, topped by a dome. The foyer has white Italian marble flooring and panelling on the interior walls. On the walls of the foyer hang the portraits of NDA graduates who have been honored with the highest gallantry awards, the Param Vir Chakra or the Ashoka Chakra.
A number of war relics adorn the NDA campus, including legendary captured tanks and aircraft.[8] The Vyas Library offers an extensive collection of over 100,000 printed volumes, in addition to numerous electronic subscriptions and a number of periodicals and journals from around the world in at least 10 languages.

शमी वृक्ष

शमी वृक्ष (अंग्रेज़ी:Prosopis cineraria) को हिन्दू धर्म में बड़ा ही पवित्र माना गया है। भारतीय परंपरा में 'विजयादशमी' पर शमी पूजन का पौराणिक महत्व रहा है। राजस्थान में शमी वृक्ष को 'खेजड़ी' के नाम से जाना जाता है। यह मूलतः रेगिस्तान में पाया जाने वाला वृक्ष है, जो थार मरुस्थल एवं अन्य स्थानों पर भी पाया जाता है। अंग्रेज़ी में शमी वृक्ष प्रोसोपिस सिनेरेरिया के नाम से जाना जाता है।


शमी वृक्ष के संदर्भ में कई पौराणिक कथाओं का आधार विद्यमान है। यज्ञ परंपरा में भी शमी के पत्तों का हवन गुणकारी माना गया है। शमी का वृक्ष आठ से दस मीटर तक ऊंचा होता है। शाखाओं पर कांटे होते हैं। इसकी पत्तियां द्विपक्षवत होती हैं। शमी के फूल छोटे पीताभ रंग के होते हैं। प्रौढ पत्तियों का रंग राख जैसा होता है, इसीलिए इसकी प्रजाति का नाम 'सिनरेरिया' रखा गया है अर्थात 'राख जैसा'।


हिन्दू धर्म में शमी वृक्ष से जुड़ी कई मान्यताएँ है, जैसे-
  • विजयादशमी या दशहरे के दिन शमी के वृक्ष की पूजा करने की प्रथा है। मान्यता है कि यह भगवान श्री राम का प्रिय वृक्ष था औरलंका पर आक्रमण से पहले उन्होंने शमी वृक्ष की पूजा करके उससे विजयी होने का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त किया था। आज भी कई स्थानों पर 'रावण दहन' के बाद घर लौटते समय शमी के पत्ते स्वर्ण के प्रतीक के रूप में एक दूसरे को बाँटने की प्रथा हैं, इसके साथ ही कार्यों में सफलता मिलने कि कामना की जाती है।[1]
  • शमी वृक्ष का वर्णन महाभारत काल में भी मिलता है। अपने 12 वर्ष के वनवास के बाद एक साल के अज्ञातवास में पांडवों ने अपने सारे अस्त्र शस्त्र इसी पेड़ पर छुपाये थे, जिसमें अर्जुन का गांडीव धनुष भी था। कुरुक्षेत्र में कौरवों के साथ युद्ध के लिये जाने से पहले भी पांडवों ने शमी के वृक्ष की पूजा की थी और उससे शक्ति और विजय प्राप्ति की कामना की थी। तभी से यह माना जाने लगा है कि जो भी इस वृक्ष कि पूजा करता है उसे शक्ति और विजय प्राप्त होती है।
शमी शमयते पापम् शमी शत्रुविनाशिनी ।
अर्जुनस्य धनुर्धारी रामस्य प्रियदर्शिनी ॥
करिष्यमाणयात्राया यथाकालम् सुखम् मया ।
तत्रनिर्विघ्नकर्त्रीत्वं भव श्रीरामपूजिता ॥
अर्थात "हे शमी, आप पापों का क्षय करने वाले और दुश्मनों को पराजित करने वाले हैं। आप अर्जुन का धनुष धारण करने वाले हैं और श्री राम को प्रिय हैं। जिस तरह श्री राम ने आपकी पूजा की मैं भी करता हूँ। मेरी विजय के रास्ते में आने वाली सभी बाधाओं से दूर कर के उसे सुखमय बना दीजिये।

अन्य विशेष तथ्य

  • अन्य कथा के अनुसार कवि कालिदास ने शमी के वृक्ष के नीचे बैठ कर तपस्या करके ही ज्ञान की प्राप्ति की थी।
  • शमी वृक्ष की लकड़ी यज्ञ की समिधा के लिए पवित्र मानी जाती है। शनिवार को शमी की समिधा का विशेष महत्त्व है। शनि देव को शान्त रखने के लिये भी शमी की पूजा की जाती है।
  • शमी को गणेश जी का भी प्रिय वृक्ष माना जाता है और इसकी पत्तियाँ गणेश जी की पूजा में भी चढ़ाई जाती हैं।
  • बिहारझारखण्ड और आसपास के कई राज्यों में भी इस वृक्ष को पूजा जाता है। यह लगभग हर घर के दरवाज़े के दाहिनी ओर लगा देखा जा सकता है। किसी भी काम पर जाने से पहले इसके दर्शन को शुभ मना जाता है।
  • राजस्थान के विश्नोई समुदाय के लोग शमी वृक्ष को अमूल्य मानते हैं।
  • ऋग्वेद के अनुसार शमी के पेड़ में आग पैदा करने कि क्षमता होती है और ऋग्वेद की ही एक कथा के अनुसार आदिम काल में सबसे पहली बार पुरुओं[2] ने शमी और पीपल की टहनियों को रगड़ कर ही आग पैदा की थी।
  • कवियों और लेखकों के लिये शमी बड़ा महत्व रखता है। हिन्दू धर्म में भगवान चित्रगुप्त को शब्दों और लेखनी का देवता माना जाता है और शब्द-साधक यम-द्वितीया[3] को यथा-संभव शमी के पेड़ के नीचे उसकी पत्तियों से उनकी पूजा करते हैं।

25 मई, 2016

Firaq Gorakhpuri

Firaq Gorakhpuri's real name was Raghupati Sahay. He was born in 1896 in Gorakhpur, India. He left his imprint on three important genres of Urdu poetry - ghazal, nazm and rubaayee. He wrote more than 40,000 couplets. He was a poet of love and beauty. His poems are published in three anthologies - Rooh-o-Qaayanat, Gul-e-Ra'naa, Nagma-numaa. He passed away in 1982.

He was selected for the Provincial Civil Service (P.C.S.) and the Indian Civil Service (I.C.S.), but he resigned to follow Mahatma Gandhi's Non-cooperation movement, for which he went to jail. Later, he joined Allahabad University as a lecturer in English literature. It was there that he wrote most of his Urdu poetry, including his magnum opus Gul-e-Naghma which earned him the highest literary award of India, the Jnanpith Award, and also the 1960 Sahitya Akademi Award in Urdu. During his life, he was given the positions of Research Professor at the University Grants Commission and Producer Emeritus by All India Radio. After a long illness, he died on 3 March 1982, in New Delhi.
As a distinguished poet, Firaq Gorakhpuri was well-versed in all traditional metrical forms such as ghazalnazmrubaai and qat'aa. He was a prolific writer, having written more than a dozen volumes of Urdu poetry, a half dozen of Urdu prose, several volumes on literary themes in Hindi, as well as four volumes of English prose on literary and cultural subjects.
His biography, Firaq Gorakhpuri: The Poet of Pain & Ecstasy, written by his nephew Ajai Mansingh will be published by Roli Books in 2015.[The book included anecdotes from his life and translations of some of his best work.

ये तो नहीं कि ग़म नहीं
हाँ! मेरी आँख नम नहीं 

तुम भी तो तुम नहीं हो आज 
हम भी तो आज हम नहीं 

अब न खुशी की है खुशी
ग़म भी अब तो ग़म नहीं 

मेरी नशिस्त है ज़मीं 
खुल्द नहीं इरम नहीं 

क़ीमत-ए-हुस्न दो जहाँ 
कोई बड़ी रक़म नहीं 

लेते हैं मोल दो जहाँ 
दाम नहीं दिरम नहीं

सोम-ओ-सलात से फ़िराक़ 
मेरे गुनाह कम नहीं 

मौत अगरचे मौत है
मौत से ज़ीस्त कम नहीं

24 मई, 2016

Pu La Deshpande Udyan ,Pune

 Pu La Deshpande Udyan ,Pune

( Shree Purushottam Laxaman Despande)

Pune-Okayama Friendship Garden or Pu La Deshpande Udyan is one of the largest garden located on Sinhagad Road (Narvir Tanaji Malusare Road) in Pune, Maharashtra, India.  

The garden was built in inspiration of 300-year-old Okayama's Kōraku-en Garden, so it is also called as Pune-Okayama Friendship Garden. The garden contains natural flow of water from canal which is been spread across the garden. The garden is well maintained and walking on the lawn is not allowed. Pu La Deshpande Garden is built on 10 acres. 

The style is devised in such a way that people can take a walk through a garden enjoying the landscape, which changes along the garden paths. The landscape keep changing during walking. This Japanese garden has been named after Pu La Deshpande, a well known Marathi writer from Maharashtra, India.

The phase 2 of this garden is known as Mughal Garden and is a replica of the Mughal garden in Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.

Know as the Pu La Deshpande Garden the Japanese garden Okayama Garden is truly the pride of Pune. The idea of recreating the original Japanese garden in Pune was, of course, inspired from the 300-year old Okayama Korakuen Garden developed by Ikeda royal family in the 12 specious hectares in Okayama. This garden is a home for many birds watch the video below. "Pu La Deshpande Garden (built on 10 acres) style is devised in such a way that if you take a walk through a garden enjoying the landscape, which changes along the garden paths, you will experience a picture scroll", The garden has been designed in a manner that you can enjoy the changing landscape as you walk around it! This Japanese garden has been named after Pu La Deshpande. As we all know, Pu La Deshpande was a well know Marathi writer from Maharashtra, India. He was popularly known by his initials ("Pu. La."). He was awarded Padma bhushan in 1990. Pu La Deshpande Park in Pune

22 मई, 2016


In his book 24 Akbar Lane, journalist Rasheed Kidwai reveals how, in 1998, senior Congressmen played dirty and bent every rule to evict Sitaram Kesri from his post as Congress president and install Sonia Gandhi in his place.

The Sonia camp said that the Congress had failed to capitalise on Sonia’s charisma because of organisational weaknesses. Sonia accepted the argument and started toying with the idea of taking over the party. She, however, made it clear that unless Kesri stepped down gracefully and invited her to take over, she would not opt for a coup. But Chacha was in no mood to oblige.
The next chapter of the power struggle was put into motion. Worried CWC members held a series of secret conclaves to work out how to ‘install’ Sonia at the helm. Pranab Mukherjee, AK Antony and Jitendra Prasada were given the task of sounding Kesri out about retiring ‘gracefully’. Initially, Kesri’s ‘nephews’ Ahmad Patel and Ghulam Nabi Azad approached him. But Kesri laughed off the proposal. “You have been sent by Arjun Singh and George. It cannot be Soniaji’s words. If she wants me out, let her say so”, he told them.

A restless Pawar joined in the ‘Kesri hatao’ campaign. It was not that Pawar was enthusiastic about Sonia taking over, but the Maratha strongman was getting feedback from Mumbai and the corporate world that as long as Kesri was the head of the party, the industrial houses would not support it. For the next few weeks, Antony, Pranab, Pawar and Prasada met on numerous occasions to take stock of the situation. In these deliberations, Pawar and Prasada favoured a ‘surgical operation’, but Pranab and Antony wanted more time. Arjun Singh and Vincent George began drumming up support for Sonia among newly elected MPs.
Pranab pulls a fast one Soon a handful of Kesri supporters who held important party posts launched a counter-offensive. Led by party general secretary Tariq Anwar, this group sought to curtail CWC meetings that had to be convened by the party chief. Kesri was advised not to call any CWC meetings because the party’s bigwigs might ask him to step down. Kesri was convinced that the party constitution gave him ultimate powers and that, as long as he was the elected chief, nobody would dare to remove him.
The pro-changers, however, succeeded in persuading Kesri to call a CWC meet on 5 March 1998 to assess the party’s poor performance in the general elections. Kesri had little option but to concede. The meeting saw the CWC requesting Sonia to play a more direct and meaningful role. It took the unusual step of asking her to help pick a new leader of the Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP), a post that Kesri already held.
Kesri made his displeasure public. He accused Pawar of plotting against him in order to become CPP leader. Kesri told his supporter Tariq Anwar — who later joined Pawar’s NCP — that Sonia would not let Pawar become CPP leader. The old man was proved right on this count at least. When Sonia took over as party chief, she got herself elected CPP leader even though she was not an MP. She was helped by Pranab who suggested an amendment in the CPP constitution. It stated that any party leader was free to get elected to its parliamentary body even if he/she was not a member of either house of Parliament!
Amid many deliberations and behind-the-scenes activities, Kesri finally agreed to see Sonia. The loyalist in him could not resist unilaterally declaring that he was willing to step down as party chief, if she was going to take over from him. Kesri later recalled to the author how he was taken aback when she gently asked him, “When?”
Kesri’s dreams of a ‘commoner’ becoming prime minister were over. His constant refrain that the Congress president could not be ousted was no longer convincing. Some of his close aides asked him to defy the leadership. But Kesri could not muster the courage. He would keep recalling to anyone who cared to listen how Indira Gandhi had made him AICC treasurer. The bravado at being ‘elected’ AICC chief evaporated. But there was more drama to ensue.
Kesri told Sonia and the other restless CWC members that he would convene a press conference to make the formal announcement of his departure.
Unseemly tug of war On 9 March 1998, Kesri announced his resignation as Congress president, but before the ‘good news’ could travel from 24 Akbar Road to 10 Janpath, Kesri threw in a rider.
Under pressure from his coterie, Kesri claimed he had merely stated his intention to step down. The AICC chief said he had summoned the news agencies to clarify that he would place his resignation before the AICC general body meeting, which has more than a thousand delegates, to seek their approval. “They have elected me, and I will seek their permission to resign,” he said.
The next six days were chaotic, full of suspense and an unseemly tug-of-war. Kesri kept giving interviews and sound-bytes that were contradictory. The old guard called on him again but Kesri was defiant. “You wanted me to resign. I have done it”, he said adding that now it was up to him to convene the AICC session.
Prasada, who was the party’s vice president, took charge. He told Pranab, Antony and others that the time for ‘direct action’ had come.
A day before Kesri was unceremoniously removed, Prasada hosted a lunch at which thirteen of the twenty CWC members were present. In their presence, Pranab produced a strongly worded draft resolution that asked Kesri to immediately convene a CWC meet to end the uncertainty in the wake of his decision to resign as the party chief. The resolution said that Kesri’s gesture had bewildered party workers all over the country and that he should step down in Sonia’s favour.
Kick the dog On 14 March 1998, 24 Akbar Road was a mute witness to a constitutional coup that saw the rather unsavoury exit of an ‘elected’ Congress president. Kesri was so upset with the day’s events that he kicked his loyal Pomeranian, Ruchi. The ailing Kesri, then seventy-nine, had arrived at the CWC meeting at 24 Akbar Road convinced that a party president could not be forced out. He did not know that before the 11 am meeing, most CWC members had gathered at Pranab’s home to endorse two crucial statements. The first was an ultimatum asking Kesri to step down; the second, a resolution replacing him with Sonia Gandhi.
The moment Kesri stepped into the hall, he knew something was amiss. Loyalist Tariq Anwar was the only one who stood up to greet him. After Kesri sat down, Pranab began reading out a resolution’thanking’ him for his services and invoking Clause J of Article 19 of the Congress constitution.
A horrified Kesri listened to its provisions: the CWC could act beyond its constitutional powers in ‘special situations’ as long as it got the decision ratified by the AICC within six months. Party leaders later admitted that the provision did not specifically say that an elected party president could be removed with its help.
‘Arre yeh kya keh rahe ho (Hey, what are you saying)’ was all Kesri could say when he found his voice. But there was a smirk on the faces of his colleagues. Kesri raved against the ‘unconstitutional’ meeting and loudly protested that he was still the Congress chief. But Prasada, the vice president of the party was already announcing, to thunderous applause, that ‘Madam Sonia Gandhi’ was their new leader.
The axed president stormed out, followed by Anwar. He spent more than an hour in his office, calling up his advisors, but it was already getting difficult to hear them amid the crackers and slogans welcoming Sonia. When Kesri stepped out of the room, his name board was missing, already replaced by a computer printout that said: ‘Congress President Sonia Gandhi’.
Within minutes, the Special Protection Group moved into the party headquarters. By the time Sonia arrived for the day’s second CWC meeting, party leaders who used to drive in had been told to get out of their cars on the street and walk in.
When Kesri reached his Purana Qila residence, he was in no mood for Ruchi’s joyous welcome. However, the moment he kicked her, he was overwhelmed by remorse. The finest of biscuits — presented to Kesri during his tenure — were offered to the puzzled pooch.
When Sonia, the new party chief, arrived a few hours later to comfort him, Kesri rushed to greet her. Neither mentioned the ‘coup’. Sonia sought Kesri’s blessings and guidance, and the old man puffed up with pleasure. By 7pm he was singing paeans to the Nehru-Gandhis while promising to get even with Pranab, Prasada and Arjun.
While Congress leaders hailed Sonia’s appointment, Khare lashed out at the constitutional coup. He remarked in The Hindu: ‘The constitutional coup was hailed widely as restoring the party’s leadership back to the site of its only natural entitlement — the Nehru-Gandhi family. When the historians get to chronicle the import of that eventful day, most of the honourable men of the Congress would be shown to have acted way less than honourably; even those who owned their rehabilitation and place in the CWC to the old man had no qualms in abandoning him. The transition that day cast the Congress once again in the dynastic mould, and the consequences are visible’.
Kesri died a disturbed and disillusioned man. He could not reconcile himself to his unceremonial ouster. There was much that he wanted to say, but he suffered an asthma attack and then slipped into a coma. Kesri’s end came on 24 October 2000. He was eighty one. His faithful dog Ruchi died the same evening.

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