08 मार्च, 2013



Hard work perhaps can be rated as the best personality trait of a person's attributes. There can be no substitute for hard work. I believe in hard work. I love hard working people. People will always respect and love hard working persons.

There is a saying "success is from 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
It is obvious that we need intelligence and hard work for success in life.
Nevertheless, there is one more very important factor, which helps you be successful. That is your destiny.

You may call it as destiny or God's blessing. I strongly believe without God's blessing we cannot go anywhere near success.
I want to make myself clear to my readers that I do believe in hard work as you do. At the same time, I believe that hard work alone cannot gift you success. We need the favorable gift of Destiny, hard work and intelligence to travel the road of success. The simple arithmetic formula is:

Favorable destiny+ hard work +intelligence= Success


'Our destiny is in our own hands' ' the saying goes. But how far this is true is a moot question indeed!

'Where there is a will, there is a way' ' goes the adage, but how practical is it in today's context is something that is to be scrutinized threadbare.

Hard work and perseverance are the two keys to success. We can shape our own destiny by hard work and perseverance. But, what if we don't succeed even after working hard and persevering? I don't want to sound pessimistic though, but let me put forth some moot points before you.

I've often felt and believed that we can shape our destiny to our liking, by hard work and perseverance. But, when I don't succeed even after working hard and persevering, I lose faith in these values and feel that the destiny has something else in store for me and we are just slaves to it. I feel that no matter however hard we work and persevere, destiny controls us and our future and we are bound to follow it demurely.

When we don't succeed even after working hard and persevering to achieve our most cherished and coveted goal(s), we feel that the destiny does not want us to become what we wanted to become. There is then a shift of ambition and focus. We have a try at other things and when we finally do succeed and settle in something else, then we feel, perhaps this is what the destiny wanted to make me and wanted me to pursue.

But, on the other hand, I feel all this talk of destiny and believing in it blindly are the signs of a weak-minded person who wants to avoid his responsibilities. A strong person will weather every storm of the destiny, come what may, to achieve his goals! He'll not (and should not) merely accept what destiny has to offer him. He'll fight for what he wants for himself from destiny.

There goes a saying ' 'Shallow men believe in luck, strong men believe in cause and effect.' This holds very true of persons who believe in themselves and in the values of hard work and perseverance. Just because you didn't get something or couldn't achieve your cherished goal ' even after a lot of hard work and perseverance ' you shouldn't settle for something inferior, which you may feel the destiny has to offer you or has offered you!

Always be a fighter and fight until your last breath for accomplishing your dreams. This is a world of cut-throat and ruthless competition. Remember, in this world there is no place for quitters because ' 'Winners never quit and quitters never win.'       

I think this statement is very true to a certain extent. There is no such thing as luck. You determine your own destiny. This is because nothing comes free and easy in this world, it is you who have to work for it. There is also a saying,"99% comes from hard work only 1% comes from luck". Miracles do happen but very seldom. I always believe that it only happen to people who are very hardworking.

There are also some examples of activity which is mostly base on luck like gambling. In this game, most of it is base on luck, but it is also possible to put in hard work like training. This is because practise makes perfect. Gamblers can also put in hard work to practice and get more exposure to the different situations, to train themselves to be more skilled and experienced. There are also examples of people who won in gambling or lottery due to luck. Therefore there is also something called beginners luck.

For example in an examination, the result and grades that you receive all depends on the amount of hard work you put in. This is because the probability of a person getting very good grades without studying is very low. Even those geniuses have to put in the minimum amount of hard work in order to succeed. You cannot always depend on luck, as it does not affirm your success but hard work does. One such example is Thomas Edison. He had failed so many times before he could successfully invented the lightbulb. This proves that his hard had finally work paid off. I believe that always depending on luck will not get you too far in life. Although luck can also determine your destiny but very seldom does it happen. Therefore, it really depend on individual, if they want to be assured of themselves having a good future then they must put in hard work otherwise the outcome might not be what they wanted or expected. However, there are also some cases where people put in a lot of hard work but the result came out to be not what the wanted, this may due to the wrong method.

There are also people who are always happy-go-lucky. They have this devil-may-care attitude. In other words they are just being cheerfully irresponsible. They are the ones who strongly depends on luck and do not put in any hard work.

Therefore, I conclude that ones destiny lies within his hand, it really depends on how much hard work he wants to put in or just purely depend on luck. Hard work will determine ones destiny but definitely not luck.

07 मार्च, 2013

होली और भारत

 होली और  भारत

होली वसंत ऋतु में मनाया जाने वाला एक महत्वपूर्ण भारतीय त्योहार है। यह पर्व हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार फाल्गुन मास की पूर्णिमा को मनाया जाता है। रंगों का त्योहार कहा जाने वाला यह पर्व पारंपरिक रूप से दो दिन मनाया जाता है। पहले दिन को होलिका जलायी जाती है, जिसे होलिका दहन भी कहते है। दूसरे दिन, जिसे धुरड्डी, धुलेंडी, धुरखेल या धूलिवंदन कहा जाता है, लोग एक दूसरे पर रंग, अबीर-गुलाल इत्यादि फेंकते हैं, ढोल बजा कर होली के गीत गाये जाते हैं, और घर-घर जा कर लोगों को रंग लगाया जाता है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि होली के दिन लोग पुरानी कटुता को भूल कर गले मिलते हैं और फिर से दोस्त बन जाते हैं। एक दूसरे को रंगने और गाने-बजाने का दौर दोपहर तक चलता है। इसके बाद स्नान कर के विश्राम करने के बाद नए कपड़े पहन कर शाम को लोग एक दूसरे के घर मिलने जाते हैं, गले मिलते हैं और मिठाइयाँ खिलाते हैं।
राग-रंग का यह लोकप्रिय पर्व वसंत का संदेशवाहक भी है। राग अर्थात संगीत और रंग तो इसके प्रमुख अंग हैं ही, पर इनको ऊ त्कर्ष तक पहुँचाने वाली प्रकृति भी इस समय रंग-बिरंगे यौवन के साथ अपनी चरम अवस्था पर होती है। फाल्गुन माह में मनाए जाने के कारण इसे फाल्गुनी भी कहते हैं। होली का त्योहार वसंत पंचमी से ही आरंभ हो जाता है। उसी दिन पहली बार गुलाल उड़ाया जाता है। इस दिन से फाग और धमार का गाना प्रारंभ हो जाता है। खेतों में सरसों खिल उठती है। बाग-बगीचों में फूलों की आकर्षक छटा छा जाती है। पेड़-पौधे, पशु-पक्षी और मनुष्य सब उल्लास से परिपूर्ण हो जाते हैं। खेतों में गेहूँ की बालियाँ इठलाने लगती हैं। किसानों का ह्रदय ख़ुशी से नाच उठता है। बच्चे-बूढ़े सभी व्यक्ति सब कुछ संकोच और रूढ़ियाँ भूलकर ढोलक-झाँझ-मंजीरों की धुन के साथ नृत्य-संगीत व रंगों में डूब जाते हैं। चारों तरफ़ रंगों की फुहार फूट पड़ती है। होली के दिन आम्र मंजरी तथा चंदन को मिलाकर खाने का बड़ा माहात्म्य है।
होली के पर्व से अनेक कहानियाँ जुड़ी हुई हैं। इनमें से सबसे प्रसिद्ध कहानी है प्रह्लाद की। माना जाता है कि प्राचीन काल में हिरण्यकशिपु नाम का एक अत्यंत बलशाली असुर था। अपने बल के दर्प में वह स्वयं को ही ईश्वर मानने लगा था। उसने अपने राज्य में ईश्वर का नाम लेने पर ही पाबंदी लगा दी थी। हिरण्यकशिपु का पुत्र प्रह्लाद ईश्वर भक्त था। प्रह्लाद की ईश्वर भक्ति से क्रुद्ध होकर हिरण्यकशिपु ने उसे अनेक कठोर दंड दिए, परंतु उसने ईश्वर की भक्ति का मार्ग न छोड़ा। हिरण्यकशिपु की बहन होलिका को वरदान प्राप्त था कि वह आग में भस्म नहीं हो सकती। हिरण्यकशिपु ने आदेश दिया कि होलिका प्रह्लाद को गोद में लेकर आग में बैठे। आग में बैठने पर होलिका तो जल गई, पर प्रह्लाद बच गया। ईश्वर भक्त प्रह्लाद की याद में इस दिन होली जलाई जाती है। प्रतीक रूप से यह भी माना जता है कि प्रह्लाद का अर्थ आनन्द होता है। वैर और उत्पीड़न की प्रतीक होलिका (जलाने की लकड़ी) जलती है और प्रेम तथा उल्लास का प्रतीक प्रह्लाद (आनंद) अक्षुण्ण रहता है।]
प्रह्लाद की कथा के अतिरिक्त यह पर्व राक्षसी ढुंढी, राधा कृष्ण के रास और कामदेव के पुनर्जन्म से भी जुड़ा हुआ है। कुछ लोगों का मानना है कि होली में रंग लगाकर, नाच-गाकर लोग शिव के गणों का वेश धारण करते हैं तथा शिव की बारात का दृश्य बनाते हैं। कुछ लोगों का यह भी मानना है कि भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने इस दिन पूतना नामक राक्षसी का वध किया था। इसी खु़शी में गोपियों और ग्वालों ने रासलीला की और रंग खेला था।

संगीत में होली

भारतीय शास्त्रीय, उपशास्त्रीय, लोक तथा फ़िल्मी संगीत की परम्पराओं में होली का विशेष महत्व है। शास्त्रीय संगीत में धमार का होली से गहरा संबंध है, हाँलाँकि ध्रुपद, धमार, छोटेबड़े ख्याल और ठुमरी में भी होली के गीतों का सौंदर्य देखते ही बनता है। कथक नृत्य के साथ होली, धमार और ठुमरी पर प्रस्तुत की जाने वाली अनेक सुंदर बंदिशें जैसे चलो गुंइयां आज खेलें होरी कन्हैया घर आज भी अत्यंत लोकप्रिय हैं। ध्रुपद में गाये जाने वाली एक लोकप्रिय बंदिश है खेलत हरी संग सकल, रंग भरी होरी सखी। भारतीय शास्त्रीय संगीत में कुछ राग ऐसे हैं जिनमें होली के गीत विशेष रूप से गाए जाते हैं। बसंत, बहार, हिंडोल और काफ़ी ऐसे ही राग हैं। होली पर गाने बजाने का अपने आप वातावरण बन जाता है और जन जन पर इसका रंग छाने लगता है। उपशास्त्रीय संगीत में चैती, दादरा और ठुमरी में अनेक प्रसिद्ध होलियाँ हैं। होली के अवसर पर संगीत की लोकप्रियता का अंदाज़ इसी बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि संगीत की एक विशेष शैली का नाम ही होली हैं, जिसमें अलग अलग प्रांतों में होली के विभिन्न वर्णन सुनने को मिलते है जिसमें उस स्थान का इतिहास और धार्मिक महत्व छुपा होता है। जहां ब्रजधाम में राधा और कृष्ण के होली खेलने के वर्णन मिलते हैं वहीं अवध में राम और सीता के जैसे होली खेलें रघुवीरा अवध में। राजस्थान के अजमेर शहर में ख्वाजा मोईनुद्दीन चिश्ती की दरगाह पर गाई जाने वाली होली का विशेष रंग है। उनकी एक प्रसिद्ध होली है आज रंग है री मन रंग है,अपने महबूब के घर रंग है री। इसी प्रकार शंकर जी से संबंधित एक होली में दिगंबर खेले मसाने में होली कह कर शिव द्वारा श्मशान में होली खेलने का वर्णन मिलता हैं। भारतीय फिल्मों में भी अलग अलग रागों पर आधारित होली के गीत प्रस्तुत किये गए हैं जो काफी लोकप्रिय हुए हैं। 'सिलसिला' के गीत रंग बरसे भीगे चुनर वाली, रंग बरसे और 'नवरंग' के आया होली का त्योहार, उड़े रंगों की बौछार, को आज भी लोग भूल नहीं पाए हैं।

05 मार्च, 2013

Numerology 4 Expression No.

Your expression number is 4



Expression number 4You are the foundation of society, the base of any endeavor. You are a meticulous and logical individual, who has a large amount of managerial as well as organizational skills. You are a builder and a go-getter and you are capable of turning dreams into reality. You most likely have an extremely developed sense of organization. 

You enjoy manager roles and have the ability to complete your well mapped out plans; you are not the one to set out on an adventure without a map. You are a very dependable and responsible individual who takes family matters and obligations pretty seriously. You take pleasure in completing a project from start to finish; yet you have the tendency to become only just focused on the project. You put your nose to the grindstone and become addicted to your work. You are motivated by your dislike for anything that is unstable, apprehensive, and irregular. You doubt the unconventional and you prefer to stick to the proven way of doing things, which in turn can make your endeavors proceed slowly causing you much irritation; Mainly with the obvious limitations on resources. 

Yet at the same time concern for these limitations forces you to proceed with caution and carefulness. This secludes you from the possibility of creative solutions and shortcuts provided by those surrounding you. When it comes to love and relationships you have the tendency to be very serious, tremendously honest and genuine. Although you possess integrity and you’re a very dependable individual, you can also be very stubborn and unyielding. 

Due to the fact that you pay too much attention to the little details in life, you often become somber and just a bit boring. Most of the people born with the 4 Expression number needs to loosen up a bit, enjoy life. You are good with money in a very old-fashioned and cautious way. You have a great balance between income and expenditures. 

Money saving is important to you, so you are able to limit your expenditures. You have great endurance and can work carefully and with determination towards your goals, and you have a natural eye for detail. This attribute ultimately brings victory and good standing in your community. Your test in life is to learn to be more creative and to attract more artistic people in your life to direct and motivate you. Also try not to let your likes and dislikes take over your common sense and kindness, and be more understanding of other peoples feeling and shortcomings.
 Your birth number (lifepath) is: 2
Your name number (expression) is: 4 

Your birth-number (lifepath) and expression number (from Name) are compatible. This speaks well for luck because there are no conflicts or negative energies between the two numbers. 

You will be able to concentrate your energies without being drawn into other directions. This will help you unleash your full potential and achieve your station in life. Make sure you use the exact name you provided in the entry box in all your paperwork to maximize the positive numerological vibrations.

24 फ़रवरी, 2013

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is best known as one of five co-founders of the social networking site Facebook. Zuckerberg is the chairman and chief executive of Facebook, Inc.[5][6] Zuckerberg's personal wealth is estimated to be $9.4 billion as of 2012.[4]
Born and raised in New York state, Zuckerberg began writing software as a hobby in middle school, with help from his father and a tutor (who called him a prodigy). In high school, he excelled in classic literature and fencing while studying at Phillips Exeter Academy.
Zuckerberg later attended Harvard College, majoring in computer science and psychology. In his sophomore year, he wrote a notorious application that he called Facemash that allowed students on the college's network to vote on the relative attractiveness of other students. It was shut down within days, and led to disciplinary action.
He launched Facebook from his dormitory room. With the help of friends, he took Facebook to other campuses nationwide and soon after moved to Palo Alto, California. By 2007, Facebook had made him a billionaire at the age of 23.[7] By 2010, Facebook had an estimated 500 million users worldwide and reached 1 billion in 2012. Zuckerberg was involved in various legal disputes initiated by others who claimed a share of the company due to their help in setting it up.
Since 2010, Zuckerberg has been named among the 100 wealthiest and most influential people in the world by Time magazine's Person of the Year.[8][9][10] In 2010, a fictionalized account of Zuckerberg's life was made into a film, The Social Network.

In 2005, Zuckerberg's enterprise received a huge boost from the venture capital firm Accel Partners. Accel invested $12.7 million into the network, which at the time was open only to ivy league students. Zuckerberg's company then granted access to other colleges, high school and international schools, pushing the site's membership to more than 5.5 million users by December 2005. The site then began attracting the interest of other companies, who wanted to advertize with the popular social hub. Not wanting to sell out, Zuckerberg turned down offers from companies such as Yahoo! and MTV Networks. Instead, he focused on expanding the site, opening up his project to outside developers and adding more features.
Zuckerberg seemed to be going nowhere but up, however in 2006, the business mogul faced his first big hurdle. The creators of Harvard Connection claimed that Zuckerberg stole their idea, and insisted the software developer needed to pay for their business losses. Zuckerberg maintained that the ideas were based on two very different types of social networks but, after lawyers searched Zuckerberg's records, incriminating Instant Messages revealed that Zuckerberg may have intentionally stolen the intellectual property of Harvard Connection and offered Facebook users' private information to his friends.
Zuckerberg later apologized for the incriminating messages, saying he regretted them. "If you're going to go on to build a service that is influential and that a lot of people rely on, then you need to be mature, right?" he said in an interview with The New Yorker. "I think I've grown and learned a lot."
Although an initial settlement of $65 million was reached between the two parties, the legal dispute over the matter continued well into 2011, after Narendra and the Winklevosses claimed they were misled in regards to the value of their stock.
Zuckerberg faced yet another personal challenge when the 2009 book The Accidental Billionaires, by writer Ben Mezrich, hit stores. Mezrich was heavily criticized for his re-telling of Zuckerberg's story, which used invented scenes, re-imagined dialogue and fictional characters. Regardless of how true-to-life the story was, Mezrich managed to sell the rights of the tale to screenwriter Aaron Sorkin, and the critically acclaimed film The Social Network received eight Academy Award nominations.

15 फ़रवरी, 2013

Narendra Modi

Modi's Message

The Gujarat chief's biggest impact may be to change how Indian politicians address economic issues.

No politician in India attracts as much attention from friend and foe alike as Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. So it was no surprise when his speech last week at a Delhi college—the sort of thing many chief ministers would struggle to have reported at all—turned into a frenzy of television coverage and nonstop analysis.
Pundits declared Mr. Modi's hour-long address to a rapt audience of about 1,800 students the Gujarat strongman's coming-out party on the national stage. On the heels of a thumping electoral victory in his home state in December, his third in a row, Mr. Modi's Delhi foray also underscored his position as first among equals in the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, reinforcing speculation that he'll be the BJP's prime-ministerial candidate in next year's national elections. It inevitably triggered a rash of comparisons between him and his putative rival—the ruling Congress Party's Rahul Gandhi.
Mr. Modi's performance certainly appears to have struck a chord with the students he addressed, as well as with a cross-section of the middle class. But despite his ambitions, it's his ideas and his style of governance that offer the most lessons for India. Outside the echo chamber of social media, Mr. Modi's prime ministerial prospects remain slim.
The problem is electoral. The BJP lacks enough of a base in southern and eastern India to even come close to forming a government on its own, which means it has to build a coalition. Thanks to anti-Muslim riots on his watch in 2002 though, Mr. Modi appears to be anathema to important potential allies such as the Trinamool Congress in West Bengal and the Telugu Desam Party in Andhra Pradesh. Plus, there's no evidence to show that his middle-class supporters outside Gujarat—including many of his 1.2 million Twitter followers—have either the numbers or the organization to count at the ballot box.
But Mr. Modi's message deserves attention for a subtler reason. His speech marks the most high-profile departure from the usual way in which Indian politicians speak about development. In a nutshell, the chief minister wrapped a call for economic competitiveness in a broader message of hope, ambition and national pride.

Narendra Modi in Gujarat state, Jan. 12.
It's hard to think of any other major Indian politician bluntly declaring that "government has no business doing business," or bemoaning the time, before Nehruvian socialism cut India off from world-class technology, when Ahmedabad's textile mills earned it the sobriquet "Manchester of India." Or, for that matter, publicly declaring that India needs "skill, scale and speed" to compete with China.
This offers a glimpse of how politicians can approach a problem at the heart of Indian democracy—the difficulty of selling sensible economics to an electorate largely poor and nursed on a diet of handouts. So common is this leftist tilt that even anti-corruption activist Arvind Kejriwal, whose new Aam Aadmi Party is supposed to represent the middle class, has an economic agenda that consists chiefly of berating private power companies for making profits.
The failure of politicians to update their vocabularies two decades after India embarked upon liberalization helps explain its current slowdown. The International Monetary Fund expects the economy to grow 4.5% this year, excellent for an advanced industrialized economy, but anemic for one at India's stage of development. Economists estimate 7% growth as the bare minimum for employment to keep pace with India's young population. Alarmed by a ballooning fiscal deficit, ratings agencies last year threatened to cut India's sovereign rating from investment grade to "junk," which would hike the cost of borrowing for Indian firms.
These threats motivated Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to push a few symbolic reforms in September, but his government still hasn't offered a coherent message of aspiration, or enacted "Big Bang" moves like amending India's socialist-era labor laws or privatizing loss-making state-owned firms. And across the country, it's still politics as usual. Congress will likely seek re-election on the back of food subsidies and cash transfers to the poor. Against this backdrop, Mr. Modi's speech is a rare attempt to frame development in small government terms.
Still, to regard him as a messiah, as his more ardent supporters do, would be foolish. His most significant achievements in Gujarat—such as supplying reliable power as long as people are willing to pay for it—depend more on sound administration than on radically overturning the status quo. And even though Mr. Modi's speech was clearly aimed at the country at large (it was in Hindi), it's a lot easier to tout South Korean development lessons to college students in Delhi than to impoverished peasants in the hinterland.
Nonetheless, Mr. Modi's political heft and national profile give his message resonance. Even if they aren't enough to propel him to higher office, they may well lay the groundwork for a political discourse less harmful to India's economic wellbeing.
Mr. Dhume is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a columnist for WSJ.com. Follow him on Twitter @dhume01

08 फ़रवरी, 2013

ग्रह ज्योतिष

आपके शरीर में भी एक ब्रम्हांड है ,आपके शरीर में भी एक छोटा सा ग्रह तारों का समूह है ,..क्योंकि कहा गया है यथा पिंडे ,.तथा ब्रम्हांडे ,.

(1)सूर्य :--आत्मा ,स्वयं शक्ति ,सम्मान ,स्वस्थ्य ,दाई आंख ,ह्रदय ,राजा ,शान ,राजनीति ,पिता ,चिकित्सा ,विज्ञान ,गर्मी ,बिजली .

(2)चंद्रमा :-- मन ,मानसिक स्थिति ,मनोबल ,मुखमंडल का तेज ,.माता ,प्रसन्नता ,द्रव्य वस्तुएं ,जलाशय ,यात्रा ,सुख शांति ,धन -संपत्ति .

(3)मंगल :--साहस ,वीरता ,शक्ति ,क्रोध ,सेनापति ,युद्ध ,शत्रु ,अष्त्र ,शस्त्र ,.दुर्घटना ,अग्नि ,अचल संपत्ति ,भूमि ,अनुज ,डाक्टर ,वैज्ञानिक ,यांत्रिक कार्य ,पुलिश ,सेना ,बल .

(4)बुद्ध :--बुद्धि ,चतुराई ,वाणी ,शिक्षा ,गणित ,लेखक ,तर्क ,वितर्क ,मुद्रण ,ज्योतिष ,पत्ते वाले वृक्ष ,वनाश्पति ,हीरे जवाहरात का परखी ,मामा ,मित्र ,

(5)गुरु :--विद्द्व्ता ,शिक्षा ,धार्मिक कार्य ,भक्ति ,प्राचीन साहित्य ,मान-सम्मान ,पूर्वज ,पुत्र ,बड़ा भाई ,फल वाले वृक्ष .

(6)शुक्र :--विवाह, वैवाहिक जीवन ,पत्नी ,इन्द्रियों का भोग ,यौन ,कविता ,संगीत ,सुख सामग्री ,आभूषण ,सुन्दरता ,पुष्पों के पौधे ,सजावट का सामान ,डिजायनर वस्त्र ,कम्पूटर ,इलेक्ट्रोनिक्स ,टेलीविसन ,इंटरनेट ,रंग द्रव्य ,

(7)शनि :--जीवन ,आयु ,म्रत्यु .दुखद अवस्था ,अनादर ,निर्धनता ,बीमारी ,आजीविका ,उपार्जन ,कृषि ,खनिज पदार्थ ,तेल ,भूमि के नीचे के तत्व ,विदेशी भाषा का ज्ञान ,दास सेवक ,.लोभ ,लालच ,चोरी चाकरी ,.लंगडा पन बुढ़ापा .

(8)राहु :--राहु की कारकता शनि के ही सामान है ,

(9)केतु :--केतु के गुण भी मंगल के सामान है ,.

यादें .....

अपनी यादें अपनी बातें लेकर जाना भूल गए  जाने वाले जल्दी में मिलकर जाना भूल गए  मुड़ मुड़ कर पीछे देखा था जाते ...