18 नवंबर, 2010


Friendship and Enmities of Planets

Allotment of Zodiac Houses for Planets 

The problem is to allot twelve houses, without partitioning a single one to seven planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. If these twelve houses which to be are allotted to seven planets each planet will get 1.71% house.
The solution given in Hindu astrology is: the Sun owns only one house or rashi, Leo or Simha and the Moon owns only one rashi, Cancer or Karka. Solution Now there are ten houses and five planets awaiting allotment.
The easy solution that emerges out now is allot two houses to each of the five planets.

The Scheme of Allotment thus arrived at is:

Mars is allotted Mesha (Aries) & Vrishchika (Scorpio), two each.
Venus is allotted Vrishabha (Taurus) & Tula (Libra), two each.
Mercury is allotted Mithuna (Gemini) & Kanya (Virgo), two each.
Jupiter is allotted Dhanu (Sagittarius) & Meena (Pisces), two each.
Saturn is allotted Makara (Capricorn) & Kumbha (Aquarius), two each.
There is a very easy way to remember it. Divide these twelve rashis into two divisions six belonging to the Moon and six belonging to the Sun.
The rashi number of the Moon is four (Karka) proceed in backward direction from here 4, 3, 2, 1, 12 and 11. The rashi number of the Sun is five (Simha) and proceed in forward direction from here 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

The Lunar Half 4 3 2 1 12 11

The Solar Half 5 6 7 8 9 10

Now Re-arrange It Thus:

Lunar Half : Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

Solar Half : Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

To sum up Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn move in a backward direction from Karka. Repeat it from Simha in forward direction.

Happy and Unhappy Conditions of Planets

Hindu astrology which deals with the happy and unhappy conditions of human beings who are happy or unhappy or indifferent or very comfortable in some surroundings, comfortable in some, less comfortable in some, uncomfortable in some and miserable in some, so too planets have different conditions and different moods. The condition of planets in a horoscope reflects it.
Note: Do not take it literally because there are many brilliant exceptions to these rules. If that is not remembered, only a gloomy and fatalistic view of a horoscope will have to be taken, as many astrologers do.
Just as the company of different human beings and different surroundings create different moods in you so do planets in a horoscope. Planets are happy in some conditions and unhappy in some other conditions. There are varying emotional states.
Before you learn the following lesson, overcome the mechanistic attitude of the age we live. Astrology of Hindus is not a set of formulae to be applied in a push-button way. What is being given here is for a quick understanding of the fundamentals only. Do not take them as final pronouncements. If you commit that mistake, you will become dogmatic. 
Hindu astrology is world's most developed astrology because India is the land where astrology originated and, was developed over a period of thousands of years. Here many astrological experiments have been done and many techniques tested and re-tested. Avoid dogma but follow the steps given below. The more flexible but, not romantically stupid, you are in learning astrology, the better are the chances of your developing proper astrological ability.
Remember it step by step

Exaltation & Debilitation

A planet is in an extremely happy condition when he is exalted and is in an extremely miserable condition when he is debilitated (It is not always true, But this fundamental principle is useful for prediction). When and upto what degrees in a sign is a planet exalted is the first lesson you learn.
Note  : Except Mercury who is exalted in Kanya no other planet gets any exalted status in its own house.
Note: All exalted planets get debilitated in the seventh house from their points of exaltations. For instance the Sun is exalted in Mesha. Now count in this way – Mesha first, Vrisha second, Mithuna third, Karka ending with Tula which is the seventh house from Aries.


The second best condition for planets is called as the Moolatrikona. Remember it.
Sun in Simha upto 20 degrees
Moon in Vrishabha upto 27 degree
Mars in Mesha upto 12 degrees
Mercury in Kanya upto 20 degrees
Jupiter in Dhanu upto 10 degrees
Venus in Tula upto 15 degrees
Saturn in Kumbha upto 20 degrees
Note: Except the Moon all other planets get the Moolatrikona condition in one of their own houses.

Own House 

The third best condition for a planet is to be in its own house (other than Moolatrikona house which, except in the case of the Moon is of course its own house). Remember it thus:
Note  : Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn recognize the same house in which they are in a moolatrikona condition, as their own houses. But their other houses are also their own houses. The only exception is the Moon.
 These are three of the happiest conditions for planets in different houses.
Next a planet is happy in the house of a friend.
How then to decide the friendships and enmities among planets and, the third condition called neutrality.
In International Law there are three parts – War, Peace and Neutrality. Among planets these types of relationships have existed since the Lord created the world, planets and stars.
Principle Number One – The lords of the fifth and the ninth  houses and the lords of the second, fourth, eighth and twelfth houses from a planet’s moolatrikona  house are its friends.
The moolatrikona  house of Mars is Mesha. From this point (Mesha) the lord of the fifth house (Simha), the Sun and the lord of the ninth house (Dhanu) Jupiter are the friends of Mars.
Again from Mesha, the lord of the fourth house (Karka), the Moon, of the eighth house, Mars himself, and of the twelfth house (Meena) Jupiter.
You thus now know who are the friends of Mars. They are Venus (the second lord), Moon (the fourth lord), Mars himself (being the eighth lord) and Jupiter (the twelfth lord).
Visual Exercises
Start from the moolatrikona houses and mark first the lords of the fifth and ninth houses.
Then mark the lords of the second, fourth, eighth and twelfth houses. Your now have a total picture of friendships among planets. In a tabular form it is being given now.
Lord of House for Friendship
1. Wherever a planet shows gesture of friendship twice to another planet he becomes his great friend. Here you find that: The great friend or friends of The Sun are Jupiter and Mars – Of the Moon, Mercury; Of Mars, Jupiter; Of Mercury Venus; Of Jupiter Mars; Of Venus both Mercury and Saturn; Of Saturn both Mercury and Venus.
2. Where a planet has expressed its gesture of friendship only once a suspicion arises about the other unknown relationship. Actually it is known after seeing the other relationship.
3. Therefore to decide the mutual enmitites of planets remember that a planet owning the third, sixth and eleventh house and then also the seventh and tenth house becomes, from its moolatrikona house, its enemy. This is being explained in tabular form.
Lord of Houses for Enmity
In the earlier table of friendships it has been seen that some planets become friends twice and some once.
In the preceding table it has been seen that some planets become enemies twice and some once.
In the third category are those planets who become friends in one way and enemies in another way These planets become neutrals.
So let us prepare a third table of neutrals.
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Table of Neutrals
Consolidated Table
1. What has been given so far is what is known as neutral, friendly and hostile relationship. This has to be modified by looking at the temporal principle of friendships of planets.
Planets in the second, third and fourth from each other and planets in the tenth, eleventh and twelfth houses become friends. See the first three houses in the forward direction and the last three in the backward directions.
2. Never overemphsise the friendships or enmity factor. Lot of new factors have to be looked into and new research has to be done.
3. All that is being stressed here is remember the principle but do not overstress these factors. Also do not ignore them. The art of judgement in astrology is the art of developing a judicial balance.
In various ancient texts, different results are given for the conditions of planets. They, if used liberally, not literally make an astrologer avoid dogmatic interpretation of horoscopes, a very common weakness and fault of astrologers.
Given below is the result of different conditions with certain remarks.
Table of Ascribed Results
In fact debilitated Saturn and Mars give humility. Debilitated planets have to have their weaknesses. They manifest in different ways at different times.
1. The above given results get modified through the association or aspects of other planets with them. They can improve or get worse.
2. A planet within, say, about three degrees of the Sun is said to be combust  and is said to give bad results. In our experience it is not always so, though for a brief period there can be mental pain.
3. A planet defeated in a planetary war is the planet which is almost of the same degree as another one (not the Sun and also other exceptions). This has been interpreted differently by different writers. There is no sound research to guide us.
4. A planet when retrograde (other planets except the Sun, the Moon) gets into retrograde motion. Read a little bit of astronomy to learn about it). No astrologer should jump to any conclusion without a sound research and observation.
Note :  The interpretation of the results of all these, particularly of retrograde planets has been mostly done through loose generalisations. Such an approach and tendency must be avoided.


You were born on some day of some month of some year at a particular time and in a particular place with your lagna being one of twelve: Mesha,Vrisha, Mithuna, Karka, Tula, Vrishchik, Dhanu, Makar, Kumbha or Meena. To arrive at a Lagna some calculations are to be done. Since, we are, however, avoiding mathematics, only a rough method of checking the horoscope in a Hindu chart is explained.
In Hindu astrology the Sun changes from one rashi into another in the middle of English months. If you remember this, you will know where your Sun should be at the time of your birth.
Keep calculating at this rate, the lagna changing after every two hours. Four cardinal points are useful to do this exercise easily.
At sunrise the Sun will be in the Lagna.
During the mid-day in the fourth house from the Sun.
At sun-set in the seventh house from the Sun.
At mid-night in the tenth house form the Sun.
1. Do not apply this blindly. It is a very rough method made use of by astrologers to answer questions (horary or prashna astrology) when they are required to answer question while in a train or an aeroplane where they cannot calculate with the tools which they keep with them.
2. Sunrise and sunset change from place to place and country to country. Still this method will be found to be working satisfactorily. On this basis I predicted the victory of Columbia against Switzerland in June 1994 at San Fransisco. The calculation was done mentally while sitting in the football stadium, watching the World Cup Football (in USA they call it soccer) matches. I repeated it at Santa Fe when I was watching the finals between Brazil and Italy on the television. My prediction was that Brazil would win and one of the Italian players would be injured. This prediction too came out correct, exactly.
3. But how can we apply this to arctic regions where there are six-months of day and six-months of night. I have no answer but I am confident I can solve this problem, if given some astrological data. I am not aware if any Indian astrologer has an answer to it.
4. After making such mental calculations see your computer cast horoscope for an analysis.
5. Keep doing the exercise. It will help you concentrate on a horoscope, which in turn, will sharpen your predictive powers.
See the examples given here. It is a rough method of mentally calculating the lagna when the duration of day and night are more or less equal or do not have much difference.
The position, month by month for 2008 (almost all years) will be as follows –
1. January 14th, Makar or Capricon at 10 am.
2. Februay 12th, Kumbha or Aquarius at 11:02 pm.
3. March 14th, Meena or Pisces at 7:59 pm.
4. April 13/14 midnight at 4:31 am. (In India the day begins at sunrise)
5. May 14/15 at 1:23 am.
6. June 15th at 7:59 am.
7. July 16th at 6:51 am.
8. August 16/17 at 3:14 am.
9. September 16/17 at 3:9 am.
10. October 17th at 3:4 am.
11. November 16th at 2:49 pm.
12. December 15/16 at 4:26 am.
For a birth in the U.S.A. or any other country this will undergo some change by some hours only. A good computer programme will solve this problem.
Calculate your Lagna or the Ascendant of the Rising Sign
Your should still be able to calculate mentally on the basis of your Sun-sign (as given in Hindu astrology) the birth ascendant of yours, at least approximately. It is done thus.
1. See where the Sun is at the time of your birth. Suppose you were born on April 20, you then know that your Sun-sign (in Hindu Astrology) is Mesha or Aries. Roughly each ascendant lasts for two hours. Therefore starts form your Sun-sign and proceed thus –
2. Sun at birth is in Mesha or Aries, so for two hours in the morning the ascendant or Lagna will be Mesha. After two hours, the Lagna will be Taurus or Vrishabha.
3. Another easy way of remembering it is, If you were born at sunrise your Sun will be in your Lagna. After two hours it will move to next sign.

Dhan Yoga

Dear rameshwar tiwari

Your natal chart has indicated the following wealth/poverty (Dhana/Daridra) combinations or Yogas

You have 3 no of Dhana Yogas in your chart. This yogas are formed between the following planets-
Mercury and Sun
Saturn and Mercury
Saturn and Sun

As per your Dasha System in your chart the next Dhana Yoga will be operative during the following periods.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Friday, May 04, 2018
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Monday, April 29, 2019
Monday, June 17, 2019

You have no specific Daridra Yoga in your chart.

15 नवंबर, 2010

RN Tiwari Horoscope Analysis by Mr.Milind Chitambar

It is a nice horoscope, although Guru is in the 2nd house which is Economic zone (Artha-Trikon), it is 10th i.e. kendra sthna to Moon (gaja kesari yog) which will help you study astrology to a certain extent. Better to go for Palmistry and Numero as it will make more sense to a 4 born (13) and inquisite Kumbh raashi person.
Here are a few observations on the horoscope:
1. It is nice horoscope with lagnesh Shukra in 4th house which shows a person of a good anta:karan, good mannered and a warm hearted person.
2. Shani is in 3rd house shows good ability to judge people, mass mentality, people leadership. Building a good team etc.
3. Mangal is in Mesh rashi which is good for sports ability, running etc. The blood quality could be really good.
4. Shani and Budh very close allow a person to audit, review something really well. This yuti shows means you have an attention to details. Budh mahadasha from 2003 would have highlighted this ability of yours. (Publication of audit reports or review reports etc).
5. The owner of the 10th (Karma, Prodcution, and Workplace) house is in 5th house (vidya, Buddhi, santati sthan). This is a good combination for work in the teaching or training sector. Formation of syllabus, question papers, assignments etc etc
6. Surya with Shani shows some issues with seniors and authorities from time to time. It shows some issues with father's or yours backbone. But they are not very close so I guess this is not a big deal and would be apparent in the old life only. But still, it will be always better to use tact and diplomacy while dealing with seniors or Govt/Authorities.
Hope this helps.

16 अगस्त, 2010

Origin Of Hindu Religion

Articles [1]: Origin of Hindu Religion [2]

Kewin: swamiji, you claim that hindu religion exists from 3000 thousands year,do you have any proof for this existence, and if so the whole world would have been only hindus,but 54 percent in the world population are christians and 40 percent are muslims and the rest are others and the hindus are there only in india, why so. regards kewin
Swami Ramswarup:
This is a truth that even today every religion decide the truth or untruth based on its religious holy book. This is also a well known fact & world accepts it that in the world's library (in Britain also)there are four Vedas as the ancient holy book of the world. Yajurveda chapter 31, Rigveda Mandal 10 sukta 129, Atharvaveda 8/11/3-6 & Saamveda 617 already say that the knowledge of four Vedas is direct from Almighty God at the time of creation. Knowledge can be given only when someone gives knowledge to others. That is why before more than 5000 years Rishi Patanjali told in Yog Shashtra Sutra 1/26 that almighty God is the Spiritual master of all human beings. In the Vedas there is no mention of any sects & caste system. We the mankind are the children of only one Almighty God, our father. Manu Smariti is also a holy book written by Manu after studying Vedas. Manu Smariti give the proof in its chapeter one that the present time of the Earth is 7th Manvanter uptil now 6 Manvanter have passed. Those are Swayambhar, Swarochish, Ottmi, Tamas, Ryivat & Chakshash, now its 7th Manvanter. 71 Chaturyugi=1 Manvanter. There are four Yug: Satyug, Treta, Dwapur & Kaliyug.
Satyug = 17 lakhs 28 thousand years
Treta = 12 lakhs 96 thousand years
Dwapar = 8 lakhs 64 thousand years
Kaliyug = 4 lakhs 32 thousand years

The total of four yugas comes to 43 lakhs & 20 thousand years which is equal to one Chaturyugi. 71 Chaturyugi i.e., 30 crore 67 lakhs & 20 thousand years equal to one Manvanter & 6 Manvanter have yet passed whose calculation comes to one Arab 84 crore 30 lakhs & 20 thousand years. This is 7th Manvanter & 28 Chaturyugi & the present Kaliyug has passed its time of 5002 years. So uptil now the age of the earth & Vedas is one Arab 96 crore 8 lakhs 53 thousands & 2 years. Bhagwat Geeta Shaloka 8/17 also says about this fact. ManuSmariti Shaloka 1/64 to 1/80 also says at that time there were no any sects or caste system. And there was no any word Hindu at that time.

The word Hindu is also not mentioned in holy books, Upnishads, Shashtras & Valmiki Ramayan, Shatpath Brahmin Granth etc. And in these holy books there is no any word Hindus or sects or caste system, where as it is clearly mentioned in every chapter of thereof that there is only one God of the Universe. Yajurveda chapter 31, Rigveda Mandal 10 Sukta 129 Mantra 1-6, Saam veda Mantra 11/8/3-6 says that this Universe including Earth and all human beings is the creation of one Almighty God. Manu Smariti Shaloka 1/21 also says that cow, horse, mankind etc., made by God and its name were made from Vedas. Shaloka 1/136-141 & 2/17 says that on whole of the Earth, the man & woman took birth only in Trivishtup.

Those who have good qualities they were named Arya and who were entangled in bad deeds were called Dasyu (dacoit or Asur). The whole of the mankind at that time were called Aryans and Dasyus accordingly. After so many years the Aryans came down and where they started living they name the place Aryavrat and long afterwards it was named as Bhartvarsh. Bharat means Vedvani that is Ved Mantras in four Vedas as mentioned in Rigveda Mantra 3/53/12. The meaning of said Mantra is that Almighty God does protection of all those who know and respect the Bhartam (Ved Mantras).

So untill the voice of four Vedas is there in Indians, there will be automatically protection from God because Ved Mantras is the knowledge originated in the heart of selected four pious souls of previous Earth at the time of the present creation, there names are Agni, Vaayu, Aaditya & Angira Rishi. Vedas are thus not books, this is knowledge generated in the heart of the said four Rishis.

Long after that is after one Arab & more than 86 crore years this knowledge which was being learned by heart generation to generation by mouth was written on Bhoj Patra by Vyas Muni & in 18th century it was published. Most of the Indians have forgotten this eternal & Supernatural Vedas knowledge wherein there is only one GOD of the Universe who creates, nurses &destroy the Universe & again after destroying HE creates again. This is faith on Vedas as is the faith of every man or woman in their respective religious book. The Aryavrat countries are is in North Himalaya, in South Vindhyachal, in East & west ocean & river Saraswati, in west Attak river & in east Drishdawati river which is originated from east Nepal mountain and goes to Assam(East Bengal) and from west of Burma to South ocean which is now called Brahmputra. From north moutains to south ocean where Attak river is mixed with ocean. From Himalaya Equator to moutains of south upto Rameshwar & in Vindhyachal the whole area was called Aryavrat country whose present name is Bhartvarsh or Hindustan or India in English. Mahabharta also tells about the same fact. In view of this it is proved that all mankind took birth in Tibet. And there was no any sect at that time.

Mahabharta or Bhagwat Geeta was written by Vyas Muni about 5084 years back. And Valmiki Ramayan was written about nine crore years back. In these authenticated holy books there is also no mention of any sect or caste system. We all mankind were called Aryans upto 5000 years back and thereafter too. The Indian philosophy who has given so many philosophies and views forbenefit of mankind and human beings uptil now. There were Takshila & Nalanda University where the students from all parts of the world used to come to study Vedas & other subjects. Those all were called Aryans at that time. First time Greeks & Unanis used the word Indu for Sindhu ocean and the public lived on the bank of Sindhu. Thereafter Arabians & inhabitants of Farasstarted saying word Hindi to the Aryans lived across Sindhu river. So whosoever was living across the Sindhu was called Indu. & now Hindu either Muslim, Christian etc. So Hindu word was used for all who lived across the Sindhu. When there was no any word Hindu except Aryans before 5000 years and thereafter too then it is clear that it is being used for the last 2-3 thousand years back.

Within these years too Islam, Jain, Bodh, Christianity, Sikh religion came into existence & who were after Vedas Shastras, Upanishads, Brahmin Granth, Bhagwat Geeta, Ramayan were studying as before have been named with word Hindu instead Aryans. Whole of the world knows about the fact of origin of these religions. So whole of the world can't be considered Hindu now at this belated stage. The study of all religions conclude that no any religion preach hate or war or quarrelling etc. Every religion speaks about love together, worship of one Almighty God, live and let live and to promote brotherhood internationally. The whole mankind thus try to remove the ravages of hatred at all level.

12 अगस्त, 2010

Kali Haldi


Kali Haldi काली हल्दी    (Turmeric) generally turmeric is yellow in color but if one is able to procure black turmeric then after doing its pranpratishtha.  if its tilak is put in anybody's forehead, the person would be mesmerized. Maa Kali is happy with the person who does Kali Pooja with tilak on the forehead.

If after doing Pooja of Choare Ki Judva Guthli is tied in the neck it increases the hypnotic power of the person. It is very helpful for person desiring name, fame and position. If one gets the guthli attached to chhoara it is in itself a powerful tantric tool.

यह काली हल्दी (गहरे कत्थई रंग की) देखने में जितनी कुरूप, अनाकर्षक और अनुपयोगी प्रतीत होती है, वस्तुतः वह उतनी ही अधिक मूल्यवान, दुर्लभ और दिव्य गुणयुक्त होती है। यदि किसी को ऐसी हल्दी प्राप्त हो जाए तो उसे घर लाकर दैनिक पूजा के स्थान पर रख दें। यह जहाँ भी होती है, सहज ही वहाँ श्री-समृद्धि का आगमन होने लगता है। उसे नए कपड़े में अक्षत और चाँदी के टुकड़े अथवा किसी सिक्के के साथ रखकर गाँठ बाँध दें और धूप-दीप से पूजा करके गल्ले या बक्से में रख दें तो आश्चर्यजनक अर्थ लाभ होने लगता है। व्यापारी वर्ग इसे गल्ले (पैसों की थैली या तिजोरी) में रखते हैं।

काली हल्दी 

काली हल्दी दिखने में अंदर से हल्के काले रंग की होती है व उसका पौधा केली के समान होता है। काली हल्दी में बहुत ही गुणकारी प्रभाव होता है। इसमें वशीकरण की अद्‍भुत क्षमता होती है।

एक थाली में कंकू, चावल, अगरबती, एक कलश में शुद्ध जल रख, पवित्र कोरे वस्त्र पहन कर जाएं। फिर पौधे को शुद्ध जल से धोकर कंकू चढ़ाएं व पीले चावल चढ़ाकर 5 अगरबत्ती लगाकर कहें- मैं आपके पास अपनी मनोकामना पूर्ति हेतु आया हूं कल आपको मेरे साथ मेरी मनोकामना की पूर्ति हेतु चलना है। 


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